Request a review or make a complaint

Request a review

If we have advised you that you do not meet our general principles of admission or that you do not meet the entry requirements of the course that you have applied for, you may ask for a review of that decision.

Student and applicant complaints

The University wants all applicants, visitors, students and staff to have a positive experience at the University. However the University is a large and complex organisation and we recognise that sometimes things can go wrong. If that does happen it is always best if you can resolve the matter locally and informally. If that is not possible then the University has a formal complaints procedure that applicants and students can follow.

If you are an applicant or current student (including an apprentice) at the University and want to complain, appeal or give feedback about any aspect of your application to the University of Hertfordshire or student experience then please refer to the following Policy:

Read the Student and Applicant Complaints UPR SA16 

Supporting documents

The OIA - Office of the Independent Adjudicator

The University subscribes to the OIA - an independent body set up to review student complaints from higher education providers in England and Wales. To determine whether you are eligible to submit a complaint to the OIA for consideration, visit the OIA website for further guidance.

If you wish to seek a review by the OIA you will be required to provide a copy of the Completion of Procedures (COP) Letter. This letter will confirm that all stages of the University’s internal complaints processes have been completed and reached a conclusion. Please email if you require this letter.

For practical, confidential and impartial advice relating to the complaints process, please visit the Hertfordshire Students’ Union Advice and Support Centre website.

Non-staff, non-student complaints

If you are not a student or a member of staff at the University (including if you are an apprentice’s employer) and want to complain, appeal or give feedback about any aspect of your dealings with the University of Hertfordshire then please refer to the following Policy:

Read the Complaints Policy (non-staff, non-student) UPR GV15

Supporting documents