Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
About the course
Our programme is underpinned by values of inclusion, collaboration, and equity. We prioritise the needs of the local communities, service users and stakeholders we work alongside, and place value on embedding inclusive and diverse perspectives into our programme.
We are informed by a social constructionist perspective meaning that we believe people’s realities are co-constructed and influenced by the contexts in which they live and that there is no singular or universal way to support people with their mental health and wellbeing; people are the experts in their own lives, and our role is to work alongside to offer flexible and responsive support.
Our programme takes a critical approach throughout, situating mental health within the socio-political context in which people exist; we critically consider what knowledge and practices constitute ‘evidence’, exploring the ideologies and social constructions that underpin mainstream therapy models and service design. We recognise that systems we work in, including clinical psychology, have roots in in colonisation, white supremacy, patriarchy, hetero and cis-normativity, ableism, neoliberalism, and capitalism, which all work to marginalise those with less social power and favour those in positions of privilege, having real material effects on people’s lives. We are therefore committed to developing antiracist and anti-oppressive practice internally and with the communities we work alongside, to take steps to examine and dismantle the oppressive systems of power that maintain social injustice. As a programme, we try to embed cultural humility, recognising this as a lifelong endeavour rather than a destination we have already reached.
We are a friendly and supportive staff team, which we feel is integral to creating a collaborative and collegiate learning environment. This is important for assisting trainees through what can be a challenging experience at times but also, we believe, in facilitating trainees to become unique and highly competent clinical psychologists, where personal values and social and cultural background can be integrated with professional development. The programme prepares its graduates for multiple roles in the expanding world of clinical psychology that includes not only therapeutic work, but also supervision, management, applied research, administration, teaching, consultation and public policy making.
Placements are planned across the three years to meet individual training needs and competencies, while preparing trainees for the needs of the NHS workforce. We have a variety of local specialist placements in terms of clinical group (such as paediatric, health, older adults, eating disorders, psychosis) and therapeutic orientation (CBT, systemic, psychodynamic, CAT and neuropsychology). We follow a core competency model of training. This means that all our placements are used across the three years of training to enable you to develop a wide range of competencies.
We provide high-quality teaching in terms of our course content and teaching methods. We integrate feedback from trainees, professional stakeholders and people who are expert by experience . Trainees can participate in committees to shape and continually improve all aspects of the programme. Our innovative teaching methods ensure learning is stimulating, interactive and progressive. These include problem-based learning (PBL), small group work, peer-led and cross-cohort learning, and using the University's high-tech simulation suites for simulation training. Our trainees have the opportunity to engage in training on organisational and systemic influence and leadership.
Our reputation
We are proud to have widened access to applicants from diverse ethnic backgrounds over recent years and receive positive feedback from our external examiners regarding the socio-political significance of research undertaken by trainees.
As part of a recent periodic review of the programme, we were commended for being innovative and responsive to change.
Psychology ranked joint first nationally for research impact, obtaining 100% outstanding rating (Research Excellence Framework, 2022).
Our graduates access a wide range of roles across the health and public sectors.There are many recruitment opportunities in the east of England for our graduates.
Psychology ranked joint first nationally for research impact, obtaining 100% outstanding rating (Research Excellence Framework, 2022).
Where you’ll study
You’ll be taught across College Lane Campus. You’ll benefit from our modern Learning Resources Centres, which include bookable hubs (for group student working) and extensive e-learning facilitates. Find out more about our Learning Resources Centres. Plus, you’ll have access to purpose-built simulation training centres which enable you to practice your skills in a realistic and safe environment. This high-tech centre provides realistic and safe clinical and community-based environments to facilitate scenario-based learning. With control rooms operated by staff, observation rooms and 26 digital cameras recording simulation activities, your learning will benefit from innovation every step of the way. See our clinical simulation centres. After a day of learning, there’s plenty of green spaces and recreational facilities to relax in.
Experts by Experience Participation
We are committed to the meaningful participation of service users and carers in all aspects of the programme. We have an active Expert by Experience subcommittee and continue to move towards full integration through our academic, research and clinical workstreams, and staff recruitment and admissions. Our Experts by Experience subcommittee meets regularly, consults to the programme team on training development and thinks about how we can continually improve and ensure meaningful involvement.
If you have experience of accessing clinical psychology services in the region or are a carer for someone who has accessed services and would be interested in joining our group of Experts by Experience, please contact the team.
Our commitment to diversity
We are keen to encourage applications from people with a wide range of backgrounds. We strongly believe that diversity of cultures, social and economic experiences and individual perspectives within a trainee cohort substantially benefit the learning environment for all trainees. Further, it is essential that as Clinical Psychologists we contribute to a cohesive and diverse workforce within the NHS and reflect the client groups we have a duty to serve.
All selection processes are undertaken by the University, which operates Equal Opportunities policies. We aim to implement fair selection procedures and no candidate will be discriminated against on grounds of race, colour, creed, disability, age, gender or sexual orientation. The programme actively encourages applications from psychologists from minoritised groups and seeks to enhance opportunities for applicants from these groups to obtain a place by allowing discussion of this at various points within the selection process (for example, candidates are invited to consider contextual considerations and reflections).
Where candidates have been given equal scores (of ‘equal merit’) during short-listing or on completion of selection tasks, protected characteristics (based on equal opportunities data completed by candidates) and contextual admissions survey data is taken into account when deciding between candidates. This is based on legislation allowing positive action in recruitment when an employer reasonably thinks that people with a protected characteristic are under-represented in the workforce or suffer a disadvantage connected to that protected characteristic. We would strongly encourage all candidates to complete the equal opportunities and contextual admissions surveys.
We regularly review our selection process with key stakeholders. This includes consideration of timed aspect of selection tasks. We update our Ask Herts website with selection related information. Additional enquiries should be addressed to the Selection Team on ( Every effort is taken to make reasonable adjustments in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire Disability Services.
Important Dates for Applications for course entry September 2025
Applications for NHS Funded posts are managed via the Clearing House Website. Applications for 2025 entry are open in September 2024 and close on 20 November 2024 at 13:00. Applicants will be notified about whether or not they have been short-listed by 14 March 2025. Interviews will be held virtually week commencing 6 May 2025.
Applications for Self Funded places
We are not accepting self-funding applicants for 2025 entry. We are reviewing our decision to accept self-funding applicants for 2026 entry and will update our website accordingly.
Our selection process
Applications are first screened to ensure they meet the minimum admissions criteria as outlined above. Eligible applications are then independently rated by the Programme Team and local stakeholders with respect to demonstration of academic ability; relevant experience (and the application of learning gained from this experience); and personal and professional suitability.
From these ratings, a short-list is compiled of candidates to be invited for interview. For candidates with equal scores, data regarding protected characteristics and contextual admissions is taken into account, where available.Those from under-represented backgrounds will be prioritised where all scores are otherwise equal.
Short-listed candidates are then invited to participate in a range of selection tasks which we anticipate will be conducted remotely via Teams/Zoom. The interviewing process will consist of two parts: an individual panel interview addressing academic, research, clinical competencies and professional and personal suitability; as well as a group task which assesses interpersonal skills. The aim is for all interviews and assessments to be rated by at least two selectors either from the programme team or Clinical Psychologists or associated professionals working in local services. Experts by Experience and trainees are heavily involved in selection processes.
A welcome and introduction talk will be given by a member of the programme team and there will be opportunities to ask questions and meet with current trainees.
Selection will be taking place between 6th and 9th May 2025.
Candidates are informed of the outcome of their interview by email.
We anticipate that, due to the large numbers of applications and limitations on resources, we will be unable to give individual feedback to candidates who are unsuccessful.
Contextual Admissions
Our programme is in the process of developing contextual recruitment processes, with ongoing research and audit projects currently taking place.
Our current process: alongside information provided in the equal opportunities monitoring form, we will take into account the information provided by candidates in the contextual admissions survey to decide between candidates of equal merit when short-listing or making offers of places. We would strongly encourage all candidates to complete the equal opportunities and contextual admissions surveys.
We will in due course provide further details on our website about the work we are doing in this area.
Invites to interview
Short-listed candidates are then invited to participate in a range of selection tasks. Interviews will be held week commencing 6 May 2025 inclusive. We expect that a research paper will be sent to you in advance of the interviews, and this will need to be reviewed ahead of the interview as you will be asked about your reflections on it.
We expect that the interviewing process will consist of two parts: a group task together with other applicants, followed by an individual panel interview addressing academic, research and clinical competency and professional and personal suitability. The aim is for all interviews and assessments to be rated by at least two selectors either from the programme team or practitioners working in local services. Experts by experience and trainees will be involved. Our selection process is subject to change and the shortlisted applicants will be notified of details nearer the time.
Teaching methods
The programme takes three years (full-time) to complete and comprises academic, clinical, research, and professional development training. Each academic year starts at the end of September or beginning of October with academic sessions, research and self-directed activities, which span across the first term. For the remainder of the academic year, this is followed by academic sessions on Thursdays and Fridays during term-time, alongside research and self-directed activities. All academic teaching takes place at the College Lane Campus in Hatfield and attendance is mandatory. Three days a week are spent on clinical placement (more outside term-time).
At the University of Hertfordshire trainees are regarded as mature students, and for this reason an adult learning model is adopted. In line with this model and the overall programme philosophy, it is recognised that not only do trainees learn in different ways, but also that they can pursue their own perceptions of the material being taught and interpret it for themselves.
You’ll take part in the following training:
- academic
- clinical
- research
- professional development.
Attendance is mandatory to all aspects of training.
Academic Training
The academic programme is based on the standards for accreditation for Doctoral programmes in Clinical Psychology (BPS, 2019) and comprises the following main areas of teaching:
- Epistemology
- Reflective Practice
- Power, context, and community perspectives
- General clinical skills
- Development across lifespan
- Presentations
- Bodies and brains
- Organisations and leadership
- Models
- Research
Each of these areas is further divided into a number of specific teaching modules that span the three years of training. Attention to ethical practice, reflective learning, equality and cultural humility is highlighted across the curriculum. Particular consideration is given to the many ways in which issues relating to diversity and inequality impact on the work of practising Clinical Psychologists within the lectures, and all lectures are formally evaluated on this by the trainees.
The main models of psychological therapy currently taught on the programme are cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and systemic family therapy. We are working on bringing the systemic elements in line with AFT foundation accreditation criteria and are in the process of implementing a BABCP accredited pathway.
In line with the programme philosophy, an important aim of the academic programme is to train Clinical Psychologists who can critically understand and apply a range of psychological theories and approaches to both clinical practice and research, including those from beyond Western knowledges. We teach our trainees to draw on multiple theoretical perspectives and the evidence base to develop individually tailored assessments, formulations, interventions and evaluations of complex psychological problems. We emphasise the flexibility to adapt and combine different approaches as a key competence, and our curriculum therefore aims to develop a broad, thorough and sophisticated understanding of various psychological theories and therapeutic approaches.
The programme utilises novel methods for learning:
- Problem-based learning (PBL) forms an important part of clinical training at UH. As part of the academic programme trainees complete a series of small group based PBL exercises, which aim to promote reflective, collaborative and self-directed learning.
- A unique feature of Clinical Psychology training at UH is the access that our teachers and trainees have to a purpose built, advanced simulation training centre. The centre is currently the largest facility of its kind in the UK, and one of the largest in Europe. It is a high-tech centre which provides very realistic and safe clinical and community environments for scenario-based training. In addition to the simulation facilities, there are also two control rooms (operated by staff from the centre) and three observation rooms. The centre is equipped with a total of 26 digital cameras, which makes it possible to record the simulation activities and project them in any of the observation rooms or any computer with an internet connection.
- There are opportunities to participate in cross-cohort, peer-led learning and reflection forums.
At UH trainees are regarded as mature students, and for this reason an adult learning model is adopted. In line with this model and the overall programme philosophy, it is recognised that not only do trainees learn in different ways, but also that they can pursue their own perceptions of the material being taught and interpret it for themselves.
In line with HCPC requirements for all clinical training programmes, all trainees selected will be informed of the various activities that form part of the academic curriculum (e.g., role-plays, problem-based learning, simulation training, small group discussions etc). Consent to participate in all aspects of the academic programme will be sought prior to the programme commencing.
Clinical Experience
Clinical placements take place across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and some areas of Essex. All trainees must be prepared to undertake placements anywhere in the region, so access to transport is usually essential. Please note that, due to the wide geographical spread of our region across both urban and rural areas, the ability and willingness to travel across the training region is required. This needs to be in a timely manner which supports participation in the training programme and delivery of clinical services, and to a range of sites including university, placement base(s), and clients’ places of residence.
Placement selection is made by the training programme; decisions on placement allocation are made according to identified training competence needs, any reasonable adjustments required, placement availability and other trainee circumstances. Reasonable adjustments and priority arrangements will be made for trainees with a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010. We strongly recommend that trainees live within the geographical boundaries of the course.
Research Requirements
We view research as a key aspect of the identity and skill set of a Clinical Psychologist and aim to embed a passion for research in all our trainees. In line with the concept of the "scientist-practitioner", our programme of research aims to equip trainees with the knowledge and skills required to undertake high-quality research, appraise literature critically, and adopt an evidence-based approach to clinical practice, where possible. We also aim to foster in trainees an awareness of the need for, and motivation to undertake, research in clinical settings - both during their placements and after qualification - to contribute to the evidence base of the profession.
Formal teaching introduces trainees to a range of methods, processes and issues arising in conceptualising and conducting clinical research. This includes the process of planning and organising research projects, research design, foundational research skills, qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, and guidance in the use of software packages used in quantitative and qualitative analysis and conducting systematic reviews of the literature. There is a particular focus on considering meaningful participation and public involvement in research and a commitment to decolonising research approaches. Dissemination is considered an ethical responsibility, and support towards this is offered through writing and dissemination workshops. A wide range of statistical and computing facilities are available, with excellent support from departmental technical staff.
In the first year, trainees conduct a Small-Scale Service-Related Project while on placement (typically an audit, service evaluation, or Quality Improvement (QI) project). Work towards the Major Research Project (MRP) begins later in the first year, when trainees are given information about research opportunities in the region and the research interests and contacts offered by the programme team. Trainees are invited to align their major research projects to one of four programme research streams, based on course team interests and expertise, local research needs and the NHS long term plan. There are: Child, parent and family wellbeing; Health and wellbeing; Equity and inclusion; and Clinical Psychology training and professional issues. These align with the wider research themes of the University of Hertfordshire and those of our local research centre, The Centre for Research in Psychology and Sport Sciences (CRiPSS). In the second and third years, substantial blocks of time are set aside to complete a systematic literature review and empirical study that makes up the MRP, and to prepare for research dissemination, including the submission of a paper to a peer reviewed journal. Submission of a paper based on this research to a peer reviewed journal is a final research requirement of the programme. Supportive supervision is provided at all of these stages.
The final degree is awarded subject to satisfactory performance in the clinical, academic and research components of the programme. These aspects are evaluated formally within a system of continuous assessment. Academic performance is formally assessed through the presentation and reflective accounts of problem-based learning assignments. Research assessments include:
- a Small-Scale Service-Related Research project
- Major Research Project (up to 30,000 words)
- associated journal paper (2,000 - 5,000 words)
- oral examination
Trainees are also required to present their research at a University of Hertfordshire conference (e.g., poster presentation of their SRP or oral presentation of their MRP).
Clinical skills are assessed through:
- placement-related documents (Supervisor Evaluation of Clinical Competence, Log of Clinical Experience and Skills)
- Clinical Practice Presentations and Reports based on clinical work conducted on placements.
In addition to these formal evaluations, you’ll be monitored throughout training by your programme tutors, in order to provide them with qualitative feedback, and opportunities for the development of competencies. We take the development of professional competencies seriously and expect high levels of conduct from our trainees, which we evaluate closely.
Support Available
As a Programme Team, we recognise that the programme is a demanding one, and aim to provide a supportive climate during training. Seeking support is viewed as a professionally responsible course of action. A range of structures and procedures have been put in place to provide trainees with adequate support. Advice and support are provided to trainees from the Course Tutors, who meet regularly with trainees to address any concerns. In addition, each trainee can request to be allocated a Professional Mentor. These are local Clinical Psychologists whose roles are kept separate from any evaluative component, and who may provide support, guidance and advocacy. New trainees are also allocated a "buddy" from the year above for peer support. Finally, each cohort participates in reflective group work, focusing on reflective learning and support. Participation is compulsory and time is provided within the academic timetable for this.
Wellbeing and Support Services are available to trainees through both the University and the Employing Trust.
Course experts
Dr Barbara Rishworth
Academic Lead
Dr Emma Karwatzki
Programme Director
Dr Lizette Nolte
Research Lead
Dr Rebecca Adlington
Clinical Lead
What’s next for my career?
How to contact us
Please email us to find out more about the Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Due to the large volume of emails we receive with questions about the course, we can’t respond to queries regarding individual careers advice and we would advise candidates to only contact the course with specific queries that are not answered here or on the links provided. we are unable to respond individually to each inquiry from applicants. If you wish to seek advice and support relating to applications or have questions about who to seek appropriate work experiences within clinical psychology, please refer to the links for further information detailed below. The Clearing House website or Alternative Handbook may provide some answers, or alternatively, please consider contacting the Pre-Qualification Group or Minorities in Clinical Training for further guidance and support.
Further information
The Clearing House website has further information on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, application forms and a FAQ relating to when and how to apply for a place on the course.
Find out more information on the Clearing House website
The Alternative Handbook: This is a publication from the Pre-Qualification Group of the Division of Clinical Psychology (BPS). This is an annual survey of trainees from across the country that seeks to get feedback on course content, processes, supports and trainee experiences. The publication is free and released annually. The publication is released in the September of each year before application forms are released.
The Pre-Qualification Group (PQG) of the Division of Clinical Psychology: The PQG support individuals seeking a career in clinical psychology, offer events and advocate for its members at an organisational level nationally. They offer lots of resources, supports and advice for aspiring psychologists.
Find out more about careers on the British Psychological Society website or email the British Psychological Society.
The Minorities in Clinical Training Group (PQG, DCP): The Minorities Group specifically support and advocate on behalf of aspiring psychologists who identify with a minority group.
Herts supports trainees to be activists in every sense of the word, they inspire and encourage individuality and support trainees to develop their own sense of personal and professional identity to address injustice and support change. I feel very fortunate to be training on such an amazing course!
Start Date | End Date | Year | Location | Link |
19/09/2025 | 31/07/2026 | 1 | UH Hatfield Campus | Apply online (Full Time) |
Start Date | End Date | Year | Location | Link |
19/09/2026 | 31/07/2027 | 1 | UH Hatfield Campus | Apply online (Full Time) |
Course fees
All students will follow the same programme of study regardless of how their place is funded.
NHS funded places
52 NHS funded places are expected per cohort. Current NHS trainees are employed full-time as trainee clinical psychologists on a three-year, fixed-term contract, with a hosting NHS Trust. Funding for current NHS trainees includes University fees, full-time salary (currently at the starting salary for Band 6, point 21, of Agenda for Change pay scales) and expenses (for example, travel) in line with standard NHS Terms and Conditions.
Trainees are not eligible to receive High Cost Area Supplement (HCAS) payments as the employment base is the CPFT Trust Headquarters.
The University conducts all aspects of the selection and interviews of applicants to the programme. There are a number of ways in which the programme may support trainees regarding financial and practical matters. Some funding is available to contribute to costs related to completing a Major Research Project (MRP).
There are a number of ways in which the programme may support trainees regarding financial and practical matters. Some funding is available to contribute to costs related to completing a Major Research Project (MRP).