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Premier League footballer graduates with University of Hertfordshire degree

Max-Killman football

Top premier league footballer Maximillian Kilman graduates with a Business and Sport Management online degree.

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Vocational Bar training to recommence at Herts

Student's with barrister wigs

Vocational Bar training will recommence at Herts in September 2024 following Bar Standards Board authorisation.

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University of Hertfordshire’s global engagement recognised by His Majesty The King

3 students walking with country flags in the background

Herts has been honoured with a King’s Award for our highly effective internationalisation strategy. The only university to be awarded a King’s Award for Enterprise this year.

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University of Hertfordshire-led project helping older adults to fall safely

A man and a woman practicing Judo

Teaching older adults how to fall safely to minimise injuries and tackle fall-related hospital admissions.

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TikTok star among several to receive a University of Hertfordshire Alumni Award

Kit Brown and Vice-Chancellor Quintin McKellar

Celebrating our inspiring, ambitious and enterprising graduates at the Alumni Awards, including Tik Tok sensation Kit Brown.

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