
We are committed to the fair treatment of our prospective applicants, and existing students and staff of all ages. We encourage age diversity across the institution and this is supported through our Equality and Diversity Policy and our Policy to Promote Dignity and Respect.

Studying at the University of Hertfordshire

Is there an age limit for students at the University?

No. There is no University-set minimum or maximum age of entry to study although some programmes may have justified age requirements e.g to meet the requirements of professional bodies.

Will you take a student aged under 18 years on entry?

Yes. We usually recruit a number of students who are aged under 18 on entry. Students aged under 18 on entry must agree to the University’s arrangements to ensure their well-being in this adult environment.

Are there students of all ages?

Yes, the student body is age diverse. For more details of the age profile of our student population please see the Student Data Analysis Report.

As an older student what are my chances of succeeding?

Students of all ages achieve well. We continuously monitor the outcomes of our students' degree attainment to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed with their studies.
Are the University’s and Students’ Union services aimed only at younger students?

Our services and facilities are inclusive of students of all ages and we encourage all students to use them.

Working at the University of Hertfordshire

Is there an upper age limit that applies to work at the University?

There is no upper age for the recruitment of staff. We recruit and employ staff of all ages.

Do you still have a normal retirement age of 65 years for staff?

We removed the normal retirement age of 65 in 2011. Our flexible retirement policy can help older staff who want to carry on working while reducing their hours and accessing some of their pension benefits. The University is considering any potential effects these changes may have on the age profile of staff. Staff can view the flexible retirement policy and other HR policies by visiting the HR section on our intranet site, StaffNet.

Read our current workforce analysis report.