Gender reassignment
The University is committed to advance equality of opportunity and to the fair treatment of our trans staff and students.
Our Equality and Diversity Policy and Policy to Promote Dignity and Respect make explicit reference to that commitment and to prevent transphobic harassment or bullying.
Studying and working at the University
Is the University of Hertfordshire a good place for trans people to study and work?
All new staff are required to attend mandatory equality and diversity training that explicitly deals with matters affecting trans rights and fair treatment.
As well as the training offered to new staff, we offer comprehensive equality and diversity training to our remaining staff using a range of delivery methods.
All new students on commencement of their studies are provided with the University's 'Herts Handbook', a practical handbook that includes support and information including matters affecting our trans students.
The University of Hertfordshire Students' Union has an active LGBT+ Association and Society for students, with regular social events.
The University also has an active LGBT Staff Network Group who meet monthly and also arrange social evenings. Staff can access information about the Network and associated events by visiting StaffNet, the University's intranet.
Do you ask applicants, current students or staff if they are trans?
We are committed to equality of opportunity for our prospective and existing staff and students. We intend to revise our systems so that we can capture information about gender reassignment and will shortly begin consultation with stakeholders to explore how best we can do this.
How will you support me with my transition?
We will work with you as an individual to agree your priorities and any actions you need us to take to support you with your transition. Our approach is informed by guidance from organisations such as: Press for Change, the Gender Identity and Research and Education Society (GIRES) and the Equality Challenge Unit.
We have produced a comprehensive guidance document for staff and their managers to make transitioning at work as smooth as possible and will produce a similar document for students shortly.
How does the University promote awareness of trans issues?
We are an active member of the Hertfordshire Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGB&T) Partnership of public authorities working together in Hertfordshire to ensure equality of opportunities and treatment of trans people. We encourage trans students and staff to engage in surveys and focus groups organised by the Partnership.
Our annual LGBT History Month events raise awareness, promote discussion and encourage good relations through debates, films and social events. These events involve close working with the Students’ Union LGBT Association and Society and the UH Staff LGBT Network.
As part of our ongoing commitment to staff development we also promote awareness of trans equality through our equality and diversity training and awareness programmes.