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Sexual orientation

Studying and working at the University

Is the University a good place for lesbian, gay and bisexual people to study and work?

That is our aim. We promote a safe and inclusive ethos and environment for people of all sexual orientations. We used the findings of the Equality Challenge Unit's 'Advancing LGB Equality' to engage with lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) staff and the Students' Union LGBT+AS to ensure the University is inclusive.

What training is offered to staff and students?

All new staff are required to attend mandatory equality and diversity training that explicitly deals with the rights and fair treatment of lesbians, gay men and bisexual people and the effects of homophobic bullying etc.

We are committed to the ongoing development of our remaining staff through our programme of equality and diversity training and awareness.

All new students on commencement of their studies are provided with the University's 'Herts Handbook' - a practical handbook that includes support and information around matters affecting lesbian, gay and bisexual students.

What support is there for LGBT staff and students?

We are an active member of the Hertfordshire Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Partnership of public authorities, working to ensure equality of opportunities and treatment of LGBT service users. Students and staff are encouraged to engage in Partnership surveys and focus groups to help us identify best practice and areas for development.

Read the Self Help LGBT Toolkit for more information.

The University of Hertfordshire Students' Union has an active LGBT+ Association and Society for students, with regular social events. The University also has an active LGBT Staff Network Group who meet monthly and also arrange social evenings. Staff can access information about the Network and associated events by visiting the University's intranet site, StaffNet.

Contact the Equality Office to find out more or if you have any suggestions/feedback.

Email the LGBT Staff Network if you are interested in joining.

Our LGBT Staff Network is open to all members of staff and we also encourage straight colleagues to attend.

What does the University do to promote good relations?

We make it clear that any discriminatory treatment of people because of their sexual orientation is unlawful and unacceptable and is dealt with appropriately.

The University has a Harassment and Bullying: Promoting Dignity and Respect Policy which explicitly covers issues such as homophobic bullying etc.

Our LGBT History Month events raise awareness, promote discussion and encourage good relations through e.g debates, films and social events. These events involve close working with the Students' Union LGBT Association and Society and the UH Staff LGBT Network.

Does the University currently monitor the sexual orientation of staff and students?

We currently monitor sexual orientation at the point of recruitment and are reviewing the introduction of monitoring for existing staff and students.