Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by all public authorities, including Local & Central Government, Schools and Universities.
Its aim is to promote a culture of openness and accountability and to allow members of the public to gain a better understanding of how public bodies are run, their decision making processes and how they spend public money.
Public authorities are obliged to make information available in two ways:
- through a publication scheme
- by responding to all individual requests made to the authority or organisation.
Publication scheme
All public authorities are required to publish a publication scheme in compliance with the Act. The scheme provides details of the types of information the University makes routinely available, how the information can be accessed and whether there is a charge.
Making a request
If you would like to make a request for information to the University please put your request in writing, clearly marking your request ‘Freedom of Information’ and send it to:
Information Compliance Team
Legal & Compliance Services, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
University of Hertfordshire
AL10 9AB
The University will respond to your request within 20 working days with a copy of the information or the reason why we cannot provide the information you requested where appropriate.
Remember to
- Be as clear as possible when outlining your request. This helps us identify exactly what it is you are requesting. Provide dates of information where possible.
- Provide us with contact details. Without your details we will not be able to respond to your request.
- Let us know which format you would prefer the information. We will do our best to meet your requirements.
Exempt information
Some information is exempt from provision under the Act and is covered by an exemption as set out in the legislation itself. If an exemption applies to all or part of the information requested, the university will explain which one(s) and why.
Charges and fees
The legislation operates a fees regime so any charges incurred in responding to a request will be charged in line with that framework. The University will make every attempt to manage the request within the fees limit where possible, and you will be informed of any charges before you receive a full response from us.
If you are dissatisfied in any way with how your request was handled, please email Alex Hall, Director of Legal and Compliance and University Solicitor, and your complaint will be addressed by the internal appeals procedure.