Herts University funds flagship apprenticeship programme to boost diversity and inclusion

 24 May 2024 20 May 2024
24 May 2024

The University of Hertfordshire is supporting a transformative apprenticeship programme that helps employers to embrace diversity and social mobility.

Investment from the Office for Students to develop degree apprenticeships with a focus on increasing equality of opportunity has provided Herts with the opportunity to partner with Amazing Apprenticeships and match-fund three organisations.

The Genie Programme allows them to examine how complex social mobility, diversity and inclusion issues could be affecting the take-up and completion of apprenticeships, tailored specifically to their own organisation.

The three organisations are Heathrow Airport, the Met Office and the Woodland Trust all of whom begin their 12-month programmes this June.

Commenting on what is involved, Anna Morrison CBE, founder of Amazing Apprenticeships, explained:

“All organisations that participate in the Genie Programme will work towards a ‘pitch for change’, where they are supported to identify an aspect of their apprenticeship programme that could be re-imagined.

“Working with Amazing Apprenticeships, a qualified executive coach and other experts, the delegates will research and then implement changes to their apprenticeship programme, designed to achieve greater social impact.

“Previous cohorts have included ideas such as re-designing recruitment processes, introducing new on-programme support systems, developing outreach and engagement activities or creating pathways for prison leavers.”

In 2025 Herts will match-fund a second cohort of three more organisations.

Celeste Jones, Associate Director, Apprenticeships & Professional Programmes at the University of Hertfordshire, said:

“Inclusion and diversity within learning and apprenticeships are fundamentally important to us at Herts, reflecting our position as the East of England’s top-ranked university for social mobility.

“Apprenticeships are a brilliant way for young people to combine education with the world of work, so identifying and removing the barriers to expand access to these is a huge benefit to society and makes a genuine difference to people’s life chances and their career horizons.

“Having a diverse workforce provides varied perspectives, inspires creativity, increases cultural awareness, and fosters empathy and understanding.

“We know the genuine difference this programme has made for others, and our partnership with Amazing Apprenticeships will benefit not just them, but the University also.”

Herts offers a range of higher and degree apprenticeships and works in partnership with over 250 private and public sector employers to deliver apprenticeship programmes.


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