Vocational Bar training to recommence at Herts

 6 June 2024 6 June 2024
6 June 2024

Vocational Bar training to recommence at Herts following Bar Standards Board authorisation.

The University of Hertfordshire is delighted to announce its vocational Bar training will recommence in September 2024 following authorisation by the Bar Standards Board (BSB).

BSB announced today (Thursday, 6 June) that, after recognising the considerable work put in by the University’s Hertfordshire Law School to ensure appropriate standards are met, they would allow them to continue course delivery.

The vocational Bar training covers a range of subjects to ensure students acquire the specialist skills, knowledge of procedure and evidence, attitudes, and competence to prepare them for becoming a barrister. It’s one of three training components that need to be completed before an individual can work professionally.

Professor Penny Carey, Dean of Hertfordshire Law School at the University of Hertfordshire, said:

“We have been working extremely hard and very closely with the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to respond to their recommendations and ensure all necessary requirements are met. We are delighted these efforts have paid off, and look forward to reintroducing BSB accredited, vocational Bar training for our students from this September.

“Our focus firmly remains on increasing much-needed accessibility and diversity within the legal profession, and we look forward to continuing to work with BSB to ensure the long-term, successful delivery of this objective.”

Among the measures taken by the Law School are:

  • a new course design with additional delivery time to prepare students for the centralised assessments.
  • An extra focus on skills teaching, including the flagship skill of advocacy, with over 40 hours of classes on advocacy and conference skills.
  • Intensive revision and dedicated pastoral support for students resitting assessments.
  • Establishing a LawTalk Student Partnership Programme to support the academic and professional development of students waiting to start the programme with peer support continuing throughout the training year.
  • Enhanced personal tutoring including a bespoke professional development programme.

The BSB said that it has worked with the University over the last year to ensure the necessary improvements are being implemented and added, “we recognise the considerable work put in by the University to ensure that appropriate standards are met. We will continue to closely monitor course delivery to ensure that the University is complying with the mandatory requirements in the Authorisation Framework and that students are properly supported”.


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