Our people are the driving force behind the University’s success in an increasingly competitive landscape. By investing in them, we invest in the future of our University creating a legacy of growth, innovation, and excellence.

Over the next five years, we will…

  • continue to build an inclusive, high performing environment for our 3,000-strong workforce, so they can excel and make meaningful contributions to society
  • create a positive culture where every member of our diverse community feels valued and supported
  • strengthen open communication, celebrate achievements and provide meaningful feedback opportunities
  • provide enhanced support services, flexible working arrangements, and family-friendly policies
  • launch a comprehensive professional development programme to enhance the capabilities of our workforce and ensure they are ready to tackle the challenges of a rapidly changing world
  • establish transparent, fair compensation structures and implement systems to reward exceptional performance.

What we are already doing well…

We're proud to have such a dynamic staff community that is deeply committed to driving our organisation’s vision for growth and impact.

At the heart of our vision is staff wellbeing, engagement and inclusivity. We're dedicated to creating a culture where every member of our diverse community feels valued and supported.

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"Since joining Herts in 2004, I’ve sought opportunities to develop and grow my career. Through the Diversifying Leadership programme, my sponsor encouraged me to pursue qualifications to become a Business Analyst (BA). The apprenticeship boosted my confidence, with support from mentors pushing me to stretch my capabilities. Whilst finishing my final project, I’ve secured a BA role and look forward to applying my learning."

Bhavna Jethwa

Business Analyst, Library and Computing Services