Chief Executive Group (CEG)

The Chief Executive’s Group (CEG) is an extension of the Vice Chancellor's Executive which exercises day-to-day management control, focusing on professional support activities and corporate policy and strategy.

Visit 'More About our Leadership' to learn more about our Chief Executive's Group.

Current Membership

Vice-Chancellor, who shall be ChairProfessor Quintin McKellar
Deputy Vice-Chancellor who, in the absence of the
Vice-Chancellor, will normally be Chair
Professor Mairi Watson
Group Finance DirectorAlistair Moffat
Secretary and RegistrarSharon Harrison Barker
Pro Vice-Chancellors

Professor Wendy Wills
(Research and Enterprise)

Dr Charmagne Barnes
(Education and Student Experience)

Jo Stuart
(International and Marketing Communications)

Deans of School

Hertfordshire Business School | Professor Damian Ward

School of Creative Arts | Dr Stephen Partridge

Schools of Law and Education | Professor Penny Carey

School of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences | Professor Irene Ctori

School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science | Professor Daniel McCluskey

Director of Marketing and CommunicationsKaren Chater
Director of InternationalSayaz Miah
Chief Information and Digital OfficerDavid Gillard
Director of EstatesIan Grimes
Deputy Secretary and Registrar/Head of Corporate ServicesHelen Davidson
Academic RegistrarJo Coward
Dean of StudentsGeri Ward
Director of Human ResourcesChizoma Okaro
General Manager HSURebecca Hobbs
President of HSURohit Mahadevu
Officers in attendanceSarah Hudson