More about our leadership
Read on to learn more about who’s currently in service along with the unique leadership responsibilities of each of our boards and leadership bodies. You can find dates of leadership and committee meetings on the University Calendar.
Executive Team and Chief Executive's Group (CEG)
Under the terms of the Articles of Government (UPR GV01), the Vice-Chancellor is the chief executive of the University (see section 4.2 of the Articles for a more detailed list of the Vice-Chancellor's responsibilities).
The Vice-Chancellor has created two committees to assist him in discharging his responsibilities:
- The Vice-Chancellor's Executive (VCE)
- The Chief Executive's Group (CEG)
CEG and VCE work alongside each other to assist the Vice-Chancellor in discharging his executive powers. CEG is the 'default' executive governance body for consideration of matters under the Vice-Chancellor's remit. However, where a specific matter requires immediate or confidential attention, VCE may consider and make decisions without consulting with CEG first.
VCE Terms of Reference, Composition and Membership (PDF - 0.13 Mb)
CEG Terms of Reference, Composition and Membership (PDF - 0.17 Mb)
Board of Governors (BOG)
The roles and responsibilities of the Board of Governors are set out in detail in the Instrument and Articles of Government (PDF - 0.2 Mb). These give effect to the Further and Higher Education Act (1992) under the terms of which the institution achieved university status in 1992.
Herts is always pleased to consider expressions of interest from prospective candidates for membership of the Board of Governors. Please email Governance Services if you wish to get in touch.
Learn who sits on our Board of Governors
Key Documents
Board of Governors Sub-Committee Terms of Reference, Composition and Membership
Register of Interests
- Dr Dipti Amin (PDF - 0.27 Mb)
- Dr Janet Bohrer (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Dr Joel Carlton (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Dr Lynn Drummond (PDF - 0.13 Mb)
- Tony Kypreos (PDF - 0.15 Mb)
- Professor Paul Layzell (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Bob Macnaughton (PDF - 0.16 Mb)
- Professor Quintin McKellar (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Raj Singh (PDF - 0.44 Mb)
- David Sproul (PDF - 0.68 Mb)
- Lesley Titcomb (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Karen Trew (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
- Lionel Wallace (PDF - 2.58 Mb)
- Dr Jon Walmsley (PDF - 0.13 Mb)
- David Williams (PDF - 0.13 Mb)
- Nick Willott (PDF - 0.14 Mb)
Academic Board
The Academic Board is a Committee of staff and managers responsible to the Board of Governors for the monitoring and regulation of academic affairs. This includes teaching and learning; research and scholarship; and examination and assessment. The Academic Board advises the Board of Governors on all academic matters regarding educational policy.
Key Documents
- Standing Orders (PDF - 0.17 Mb)
- Structure Chart (PDF - 0.13 Mb)
- Latest Minutes (PDF - 0.17 Mb)
- Terms of Reference and Composition (PDF - 0.16 Mb)
Minutes and Terms of Reference of Academic Board sub-committees and sub-groups are available on request by emailing Governance Services.
Office of the Vice-Chancellor (OVC)
The day-to-day running of the University is the responsibility of the Vice-Chancellor, our Chief Executive and Academic Head. The Office of the Vice-Chancellor brings together a number of teams supporting a range of activity:
Corporate Services
- Governance Services
Governance Services manages and administers the Board of Governors, Academic Board, and other top-level committees and groups which are part of the University's formal governance structure.
- Internal Audit and Business Risk Management
Internal Audit is an in-house team providing independent and objective assurance designed to add value to the University’s operations in support of achieving its strategic objectives. Assurance is provided to senior management and the Board, via the Audit and Risk Committee, on the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s arrangements for risk management, control, governance, value for money and data quality processes. Business Risk Management provides support and advice to senior management across the University group in the identification, recording and management of business and fraud risks.
- Legal and Compliance Services
Legal and Compliance Services is an expert in-house legal team with members drawn from a wide range of legal practice areas. It advises on all legal, regulatory, and contractual matters affecting the University and its group of subsidiary companies. It also oversees Information Compliance (data protection and freedom of information) and provides training to all staff on relevant legislation, regulatory matters, and legal developments within the higher education sector.
- Planning and Strategic Support
Planning and Strategic Support leads the University’s planning function which includes coordination of the annual business planning and portfolio review, investment planning processes, oversees academic workload allocation and corporate project management. It works closely with the executive team in the development and monitoring of the University’s strategic plan and corporate reporting. The team provides management information and data insight and analysis to inform the University’s strategic planning, and aid senior management decision making and resource allocation at institutional level.
- Vice Chancellor's Secretariat
The Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat is responsible for overseeing the portfolios of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor (OVC) senior management team, providing comprehensive executive support to enable OVC senior managers to achieve their objectives in the leadership of the University. The Secretariat works closely with key stakeholders, including government agencies and sector bodies, and its responsibilities include drafting reports and briefings, organising and co-ordinating events and appointments, and acting as a point of information and advice to staff, students and external bodies.
- Workplace Safety, Health and Wellbeing
Workplace Safety, Health and Wellbeing is an impartial advisory service providing professional support to the University, and assurance to the Vice-Chancellor and Board of Governors, on matters pertaining to health and safety, occupational health, workplace wellbeing and emergency planning
Centre for Learning, Access and Student Success (CLASS)
CLASS is a centre of excellence which enables student success by ensuring evidence-driven and innovative teaching, learning and support. It aims to develop compassionate and engaged staff and students, supporting the University’s overall commitment to transforming lives.
CLASS includes the following subteams: Herts Academic Skills, Learning and Teaching Excellence, Technology Enhanced Learning and Digital Capabilities and Widening Access and Student Success.
Lifelong Learning and Employment
Lifelong Learning and Employment (LLE) supports employers of any shape or size with their talent and workforce needs. Through LLE, employers can access apprenticeships, short courses, and CPD, as well as work with our Careers team to access our amazing student talent. The team provides information about skills, training options and careers, helping students discover their options, and consists of experts who are there to support employers and students.
Research and Enterprise Services
Research and Enterprise Services (RES) supports all areas of research and enterprise, including research grants and commercial contracts, impact and knowledge exchange, research governance, technology transfer and business support. The team supports academics in areas such as network development, enterprise skills training, connecting with business, bid writing, impact case development and due diligence and trusted research. RES delivers a unified team approach across the University’s research and enterprise portfolio to maximise research and enterprise excellence, performance and success.