Presentations and Papers 

Below are our engaging asynchronous sessions for the Change Agents’ Network Conference 2023, with posters, case studies and videos for you to explore in your own time.

Student Staff Partnership Project

Drusilla Anang, Selena Evans, Pierette Fortuna, Kimberley Neeson, Kirsty Spicer, Aimalohi Ugbiyobo, Nina Walker, University of Hertfordshire

This project aims to use collaborative partnership working to create resources which support University of Hertfordshire students who experience Imposter Syndrome.  Currently in person Imposter Syndrome workshops run within the School of Life and Medical Sciences.  Due to the nature of Imposter Syndrome, attendance at face to face events can be daunting.  As a results, Student Partners from the School of Life and Medical Sciences have driven the scoping and creation of resources to support students experiencing Imposter Syndrome in an asynchronous or virtual manner.  Being part way through the project, this submission highlights some of the benefits and challenges associated with partnership working and also showcases the outline of the resources being created within the partnership.

Student Led Social Media

Priya Mahey, Dang Ta, George Sapcaliu, Adedeji Sodeinde, University of Hertfordshire

The Student Technology Mentors (STMs) of the University have adopted a new way of learning via social media and have been working hard to promote digitally themed help videos for both students and staff that works towards our Herts Learning Strategy and wider digital transformation. The idea of using TikTok and Instagram is capturing the popular platforms and enhance them for learning purposes. This project has been a great way to promote student and staff partnership and student led content authorship by creating short videos that can be saved or to look back on. The STMs have fully engrossed themselves into this project and are always innovating on what is needed for our students and staff community.

(Re)imagining Higher Education

Sonia Kamal, Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, & Maryam Akhbari, University of Calgary

The Building Higher Education Project supported by the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) in partnership with the University of Calgary and London Metropolitan University invited faculty and students to reflect on the status of Higher Education (HE) and, at the same time, to envision what form a welcoming, humane, and inclusive academia would look like. The outcome of this will be an open-source Guide of HE models – real and idealized - to seed discussion of what sort of HE we want and what HE would fit an uncertain future. This poster showcases initial results, visions and visualizations by faculty and students.

Using student journals in the classroom

Dr Nick Naumov & Anita Lunati, University of Northampton

As students progress through their education, they are expected to be able to practice, enhance and develop their reflection skills and critical thinking. Writing a study/learning journal (or a study diary) is a tool often used to engage students, place responsibility for active engagement and increase students' motivation to study. This research is focused the use of journals in teaching and learning and explores undergraduate students' perceptions on how they use journals. Based on a qualitative approach focused on focus groups with final year students, the paper seeks to explore the potential of journals as a tool to facilitate critical thinking and reflection and examine the potential contribution of journal writing to construct and develop arguments, summaries, and critical standpoints.