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Access and Participation

At the University of Hertfordshire, we have a strong record in terms of access and participation, with approximately 70% of our UK-domiciled, undergraduate population coming from underrepresented backgrounds. This includes students who identify as being of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage, students with family incomes below £30,000, first in family students and students who declare a disability.

In our newly approved Access and Participation Plan (2025 - 2029), we draw on different sources of evidence, including student outcome data, to identify where inequalities in outcomes exist for underrepresented students.  These data show that certain groups of students are less likely to continue in their studies (continuation), achieve a ‘good degree’ (awards) and secure employment or further study after graduating (progression). Overall, we have identified 13 priority risks to equality of opportunity across the continuation, awards and progression parts of the student lifecycle. These risks have been grouped into six ‘at risk’ student groups: Students who are Male; Students who identify as Black or Asian; Students with BTEC/non-traditional entry qualifications; Students who declare a Mental Health Condition; Students from Indices of Multiple Deprivation Q1 (IMD Q1); and Students who have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).

The new Plan (launching in September 2025) sets out how we will address the gaps in equality of opportunity for these groups using evidence-informed interventions to drive improvements against our target objectives. The interventions are underpinned by robust evaluation plans and success will be measured by how well or not we achieve our intended outcomes.

Strategic aims

We are committed to eliminating inequalities and ensuring equal outcomes for all our students. In order to drive the change needed, we have adopted the following strategic aims, which will be implemented at all levels:

  • equal outcomes for all students
  • transforming lives for all students
  • inclusive culture and environment for students and staff.

Achieving equal outcomes for all students will address our aims and objectives relating to our key student groups.

Transforming lives for all students represents our commitment to our priority groups, such as care experienced, displaced/refugee, young adult carers and independent estranged students as well as the wider student population.  We strongly believe that improving the student experience for target groups will also benefit the whole student community.

Developing an inclusive culture and environment for students and staff will allow us to address key issues and challenges raised by our student and staff communities. A truly inclusive culture will support the whole student lifecycle through curriculum, pastoral and experiential support.

You can read our current (2020-2025) and new (2025-2029) Access and Participation Plans below plus our Annual Fee Summary statements and various legacy documents.

Access and Participation Plans

Annual Fee Summary statements

Legacy documents

Impact report

Access agreements