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Student Success

Student Success supports Herts students from underrecognised, underrepresented and/or socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We work with a range of students including commuting, mature, racially minoritised and low household income students. Our ambition is to transform students' lives by empowering and enabling them to be successful in their journey at Herts and beyond.

Our support packages

Explore the boxes below to find out more about our bespoke support packages for Care Experienced and Care Leaver, Independent (Estranged), Young Adult Carers and Displaced (Refugee) students.

Whether you need help with your finances, accommodation or wellbeing, we’re here for you...

A diverse group of students

We offer 1-1 advice, financial support, and practical help with things like accomodation, careers and more...

Three students studying outside

We are here to help you with managing your studies and caring commitments...

Displaced Learners

We are here to support Displaced / Refugee Learners to make your time at university as stress free and successful...

Contact us

If you would like to find out more please email

With your support, I was able to cover not only my accommodation costs but also balance my other financial responsibilities. This assistance became the foundation upon which I could rebuild my life and dreams.

Independent (Estranged) Accommodation Discount Scheme recipient

I feel that academic coaching has given me new tools for time management and productivity.

Final year coaching student

Having a laptop means I can finish my final year and qualify. I am a single parent working part time, so could not afford a new one. There is no way I would've been able to do my online learning or complete my last assignment on time had it not been for the help.

Semester A PC & Laptop Support student

Supporting me with a laptop brought about a huge change to my academic life. Before I was offered this laptop, I struggled so very much with joining zoom meetings as well as doing my assignments. This laptop was a game changer. A support I will never forget in my life.

Laptop support recipient