
Visit our alumni portal


Alumni benefits

Share your story

Our global alumni community prove how studying at Herts can lead to an exciting future.

Showcasing what you have achieved since completing your studies inspires us all. Your story can highlight different career paths and opportunities that are possible for students and graduates. Help power the potential of the next generation by submitting your story.

Share your Story See our alumni showcase

How we use your story

Anyone can be an alumni role model. It only takes a few minutes to share your story, and you could be featured:

  • on our website
  • in our monthly email newsletter
  • in exciting campaigns, like LGBT+ History Month, International Women's Day and Black History Month.
  • on our social media channels.

What information do we need?

To give you an idea of the type of questions we ask on our alumni profile form, listed below are a few examples:

  • Tell us about your current job role. How have you got to this point in your career?
  • What are your future ambitions, aspirations or career plans?
  • Have you been up to anything else since graduating that you would like to share? For example, do you volunteer for a charity, play competitive sport or have an interesting hobby?

Check out our alumni showcase

Read just some of the inspiring stories from our alumni community. If you chose to share your story, you'll be in excellent company!

Samuel Nathan Richards

Meet Samuel Nathan Richards who has taken his degree around and out of this world! Samuel currently works for NASA...

Read Michelle's story

Michelle Law has excelled in her role within electrical engineering. She works as a Technology Innovation Manager at ghd...

Read Ramat's story

Meet Ramat Tejani who has taken the international technology industry by storm. She is the Diversity Marketing Manager for Amazon...

Read Olivia's story

Olivia Draisey ‘fell in love with the community spirit’ at Herts while studying psychology. She’s now a psychology teacher...

Read Grace's story

Dr Grace Ononiwu CBE has gone from Herts law graduate to Chief Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service...

Read Dennis' story

Dennis Relojo-Howell launched a mental health website while at Herts. Now an international speaker, he won 'Blogger of the Year’...

Read more alumni stories