Supporting your career
Your relationship with us doesn’t finish after you have left the University, and nor does the professional support available to you. Access free careers support from the Careers and Employment Service for up to four years after you complete your studies.
Our Careers Centre has a huge range of helpful online tools and resources, such as tips for CV writing, and preparing for job interviews, and you can network with potential employers on our careers platform Handshake. You can also search Handshake for current job vacancies and book to attend practical careers workshops and events.
Get ahead in your career
- up to four years' free support, consultations and advice from our specialist early years careers advisors. Find out how the Careers and Employment team help our alumni
- free access to LinkedIn Learning for two years after your course end date
- an exclusive 20% alumni discount on many of our postgraduate courses. Find out about funding options for your postgraduate study
- lifelong access* to the Learning Resources Centres for further study (*read LRC visitor information)
- Continued Professional Development (CPD) opportunities to benefit your career
- support for alumni entrepreneurs - find out about the support Herts offer aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners
- information about completing your Graduate Outcomes survey.
My time at the University of Hertfordshire provided my first experience of Elite Sports, gave me career mentors and guidance from experienced practitioners, and a sound foundation of knowledge to build upon. It has been invaluable to my career.