New skills and insights

Female academic talking to female colleague

How we can help your organisation

Our Community for Coaches and Mentors (CCM) can help your business or organisation whether you are:

  • considering the staff development needs as part of the normal business cycle
  • after performance reviews
  • undertaking succession planning
  • enhancing the leadership skills of your managers and supervisors

Economic  and market pressures often inflict changes on organisations that  require staff to be more flexible and adaptable. At these times it is  even more essential to motivate and support them in non-threatening  ways.

Implementing a coaching and mentoring programme will carry  you through these changes and establish a support network for staff in  the future.

Many of our clients introduce coaching and mentoring for different reasons such as:

  • to support individuals
  • to help with career progression and/or
  • to improve the motivations and effectiveness of their staff

Coaching and mentoring in difficult times

Economic and market pressures often inflict changes on organisations that require staff to be more flexible and adaptable.

The  benefits of coaching and mentoring are particularly valuable to an  organisation during times of change, when staff may need to overcome  difficulties, grasp new opportunities or inspire others.

At these  times it is even more essential to motivate and support them in  non-threatening way. Implementing a mentoring programme will carry you  through these changes and establish a support network for staff in the  future.

Individuals who are coached or mentored in an organisation are challenged and stimulated.

They  often develop counselling and coaching skills themselves which are  transferable to their personal lives. They usually find that their  confidence and motivation increase. Coaching and mentoring are  fundamentally about learning and development.

The organisation that learns and develops is poised to thrive and succeed as economic conditions improve

More information

Contact the Centre for Education Leadership for further information on how we can help your organisation.