CIEA Chair Stuart Shaw shares his thoughts on the summer 2024 results in his article 'Unpacking Level 1 and 2 GCSE and Vocational and Technical Qualifications, and Level 3'. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
CIEA Chair Stuart Shaw considers the future of educational assessment in his Opinion Piece “Reconfiguring Assessment for the 21st Century”. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
A thank you to an excellent Chair. Dr Mick Walker, CIEA President thanks the outgoing Chair Simon Sharp for his contribution to the CIEA. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
Further to our recent articles on ChatGPT and AI, Fellow member Ian McMechan shares his thoughts on developments. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
Competency-Based Learning; the Apprenticeship Movement. This month Fellow Member Michael Dennison shares his thoughts on Competency-Based Learning. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
ChatGPT. The future is now – well some of it? CIEA President Dr Mick Walker provides an update on developments in artificial intelligence. He states that “developments in the field of AI are inexorable and un-stoppable. So, the major challenge will be to manage the potential challenges and exploit the advantages.” READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
ChatGPT - The future is now. Fellow Member Michael Dennison share's his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence. It has long been my opinion that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will eventually remove the requirement for physical teaching and to some extent the role of assessor. The recent pandemically enforced paradigm shift to a majority online teaching platform has opened the door to an explosion of private online teaching provision; previously the preserve of vocational / occupational training and qualification. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
ChatGPT: Opportunity or death knell for assessment as we know it? In the last few weeks, a lot of column inches in the media have been devoted to a new piece of software, ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2020, it uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches in a programme that can formulate answers in a conversational manner to questions and follow-up questions, from the most basic to the highly sophisticated. CIEA Chair, Simon Sharp and President, Dr Mick Walker provide an insight into it’s development and uses. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE