A message from Ofqual’s Deputy Chief Regulator, Dr Michelle Meadows
In advance of the release of AS, A level, GCSE and other Level 2 and 3 qualification results, Dr Michelle Meadows, Ofqual's Deputy Rgulator shares the following message:
“As you know, qualification results are being derived differently this year after the government decision that formal exams should not go ahead. Teachers were asked to assess their students’ performance on the subject content they had been taught and were deliberately given choice in how they did so. This flexibility recognised the different situations in which schools found themselves this year.
“We are aware of the pressure these exceptional arrangements placed on teachers and schools and college leaders. They will have been working hard to determine the grades for students and they will feel the weight of responsibility on them in coming to these decisions, knowing what they do of students’ hopes and aspirations. And, of course, the challenges of determining TAGs come on top of the wider challenges of the pandemic which has touched all our lives.
“The last year has been a tremendously difficult time, but I hope we have been able to provide some reassurance that the arrangements are the best that they can be in the circumstances.
“Results will be published on 10 August for AS, A levels and other Level 3 qualifications, and 12 August for GCSEs and other Level 2 qualifications. These combined results days mean that results for qualifications used for progression are issued at the same time, enabling GQ and VTQ learners to compete fairly for places.
“We have published a student guide on our website, which gives further details of this year’s arrangements, including how students can appeal if they think their grade is wrong. We also have a rolling update with information about qualifications this summer.