Advanced Decision Making

Key information

Course Leader: Dr Rosemary Godbold

Level: 7

Credits: 15

Mode of delivery: Taught

Learner Hours: Scheduled Hours - 24, Independent Hours - 126

Available places: 40


  • 19/05/2025

Fees and Funding


The price quoted above is per 15 credits in this academic year 2024/25. This price relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU/Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us.

Entry Requirements

You should be a qualified health care professional currently working in an appropriate area of practice.                                                               

If you have non-UK academic qualifications you will need to supply evidence of comparability. The organisation ECCTIS will supply this for a reasonable fee

You should also have current professional registration (e.g NMC, HCPC etc) and be employed as a health care professional in an appropriate setting.

This module forms part of a broader CPD framework which can lead to a postgraduate award or it can be taken as a standalone module for CPD.

Course Overview

This module is aimed at all registered and practicing nurses or midwives, and allied health and social care professionals.

This module evaluates and applies established theories and models relevant to decision making in the context of health and social care. These are drawn from a wide variety of disciplines including clinical reasoning, philosophy and ethics, legal frameworks, Service User involvement, Inter-professional and Values Based Decision Making. Throughout, students will develop their critical thinking skills, with an emphasis on applying their learning to decision making in the students’ own health and social care context.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:

Successful students will typically: 

Identify and critique challenging decisions from health and social care practice

Critically evaluate and apply established decision-making theories and frameworks to complex decisions in health and social care


Intellectual, Practical and Transferable Skills (please add further rows if needed):

 Successful students will typically:

 Critically appraise influences on decision-making in health and social care contexts.

 Critically evaluate the role of own and others personal and professional values in decision making.


There are 5 elements to the assessment for this module, these are three 400 word essays, each accounting for 12.5% of the total grade; Creation of an academic poster, accounting for 12.5% of the overall grade and a critical reflection, accounting for 50% of the overall grade.