
MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy

Why choose Herts?

  • Teaching excellence: Learn from the leaders of the Business Analysis and Statistics (BAS) group. BAS includes Reda Lebcir, who is currently working on Coronavirus analytics for Public Health England (see key staff section).
  • Industry connections: Benefit from our strong links with large organisations, including Ocado, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and Tesco HQ who support our careers fairs, provide guest lectures, and networking events.
  • Employment prospects: Graduates are working as business analysts, management consultants, and senior managers for organisations including Whitbread, Greenfolk Management Consultancy, and Accenture.

About the course

Course and module structure

The course has been developed to enable you to develop advanced knowledge and skills in the following areas:

i) Business Analytical Methods and Information Technology
ii) Business Problem Structuring and Solving
iii) Consultancy Skills in the Business Environment

These themes are explored through modules in Business Analytics, Computer Simulation, Creative Problem Solving, Consultancy Skills and Business Statistics. The course also includes a project based module where you will solve a problem for a client using the knowledge and skills acquired during your study. There is then a further applied consultancy project, which allows you to independently research, investigate and analyse a current business problem.

The course focuses on:

  • computational, mathematical, philosophical and management science approaches to business analytics
  • developing problem solving skills
  • enhancing your ability to use business software and other information technology
  • encouraging independent and creative thinking
  • effective communication in all formats appropriate to a business environment.

Why choose this course?

Our Postgraduate studies are sector leading amongst over 100 Higher Education Institutions in the UK as evidenced by our extraordinary achievement:

  • 1st out of 85 universities for business and management in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES, Advance HE, 2023)
  • 1st for Skills Development, 2nd for Support, Resources, Community and Assessment (Advance HE, 2023)

This Master's in Business Analytics and Consultancy aims to provide you with the analytical knowledge and skills required to be a successful consultant in the modern business environment.

Three key reasons to study Business Analytics and Consultancy at the Hertfordshire Business School:

  1. It is a hands-on, practical programme
  2. It is client-facing so it counts as work experience
  3. It is a unique programme,  informed by the latest research and consultancy in the area

You will gain experience of applying these skills to real consultancy (working with a local organisation) in the complex context in which organisations operate. You will also experience a range of teaching, learning and assessment methods, which will enable you to gain - and be confident in - the skills of modelling, analysis and consulting. All this should directly improve your employment prospects.

The programme is delivered by the Business Analysis and Statistics (BAS) group at Hertfordshire Business School. The BAS group is very strong in the areas of Business Analytics and Consultancy, and its members have diverse experience and expertise in mathematical, computational and philosophical methods of analysis. The group is home to the Statistical Services and Consultancy Unit which does commercial consultancy carried out by members of the group. The course is informed by the cutting edge research undertaken by members of the group.

What will I study?

You will learn how to be a successful analytical consultant through a varied programme of teaching that will include guest lectures, masterclasses, facilitated seminars, practical workshops, web-based learning, computer based tutorials, case study analysis and traditional lectures.

Assessment will be practical and coherent across the course, including a mixture of methods such as presentations (written and oral), case study work, action learning sets. The University promotes professional integrity and thus the course provides opportunities to develop the skills of communication, independent and team working, problem solving, creativity, digital literacy, numeracy and self-management.

The course will provide the opportunity to work in teams with a local organisation and an academic supervisor to scope out an area for improvement / where you can deliver a business solution, your team will then create a proposal of the research to be undertaken and this will be presented to the organisation. Individual areas of research will be identified to form the basis for your individual applied consultancy project.


Graduates can work in a wide range of industries as business analysts or management consultants. The knowledge and skills obtained will enable you to work as an independent consultant, or within an organisation at middle management or senior level.

Please note that some of the images and videos on our course pages may have been taken before social distancing rules in the UK came into force.