PGCE in Primary Education
Why choose Herts?
Excellent reputation: Ranked 1st for Teacher Training in the UK 2025 (The Daily Mail University Guide, Subject Level Ranking). Ranked 5th for Teacher Training, National Student Survey (NSS, 2024). As well as being in the top 10 for education and teaching in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES, 2024) and rated good by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, 2023).
Local industry connections: Benefit from our strong teacher training partnership of over 300 schools across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. You’ll be training in one of our carefully selected partnership schools.
Professional accreditation: Achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) enabling you to begin your career in teaching.

Alumni Stories
Jake Garwood
Meet Jake Garwood who discovered his passion for teaching and education while studying. He currently works as a Year 4 teacher in a junior school near the University.
Current job role | Year 4 teacher |
Year of graduation | 2016 / 2017 |
Course of study | BA (Hons) Education |
PGCE in Primary Education |
Sparking a passion
Jake decided to go to the University of Hertfordshire based on our 'excellent reputation for teaching training.' His time as a student did not disappoint as his course sparked his passion for education and he says the 'engaging modules at the University and inspiring tutors played a key part in making me the teacher I am today.'
The variety of modules on both of my degrees, from contemporary issues in education to educational technology, from philosophy of education to equality and inclusion, put me in the best possible position to begin my teaching career.'
Aspirations for the future
Jake finds teaching an extremely rewarding career, therefore he does not intend to leave the profession. He says, 'I think it is one of the most rewarding profession available and if you care about the future, then teaching the next generation is one of the best things you can do.'
However, he adds that his ultimate goal is to work towards a Masters in Education, followed by a PhD in the same field. He'd like to keep his options open as to future career paths.'
Professional Accreditations
Qualified Teacher Status
About the course
This programme is available to UK/EU students only.
This programme offers Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for the 3-11 age phases in primary schools with a choice of school placements in Foundation/Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 1/Key Stage 2.
The programme comprises of taught sessions at the University and school-based training.
Why choose this course?
We believe that learning happens best through practical experience, so most of your learning will be in small seminar groups. This allows you to try out teaching approaches in a secure environment, experiencing learning from the perspective of young children and working collaboratively with your peers. You will be immersed in school-based training throughout your degree. You’ll spend a minimum of 120 days working in our partnership schools. You’ll have the opportunity to observe, work alongside and receive feedback from expert professional colleagues. You’ll experience school life in at least 2 settings in either Early Years, Key Stage 1 or 2, depending on your age range of training. This is your chance to put theory into practice.
While on the programme you will also undertake 20 dedicated days of Intensive Training and Practice (ITAPs) which affords all students the time and space to focus on foundational aspects of practice, like behaviour management. These innovative aspects of the programme involve opportunities to observe, rehearse and practice in low stakes environments whilst learning from expert colleagues from a variety of settings.
Rated Good in our 2023 Ofsted report it was acknowledged that we “have designed an ambitious curriculum that gives trainees a voice in their training”.
Together we’ll help you develop into the teacher you aim to be. We’ll support you in developing the skills, knowledge and understanding to teach all subjects in the primary curriculum guided by our team of experienced qualified teachers and researchers. You’ll learn modern teaching techniques to engage young people today. You’ll enter a rewarding and fulfilling teaching career, feeling confident because you studied at Herts.
What will I study?
This is a full-time, 1 year programme.
The PGCE is offered at master’s level and the 60 M level credits gained can be accredited towards a master’s degree, via our MA/MSc programmes.
You will be taught through a variety of lectures, seminars, as well as engaging with directed tasks. Alongside taught content at the university and engagement with online learning materials, you will undertake school-based training in at least two partnership schools, where you will further develop your skills to become an excellent classroom teacher. Supported all the way through by our dedicated “Team around the student” and the wider university student support network.
Further course information
Course fact sheets | |
PGCE in Primary Education | Download |
PGCE and ProfGCE in Primary Education | Download |
Programme specifications | |
PGCE in Primary Education | Download |
PGCE and ProfGCE in Primary Education | Download |
Additional information | |
Sandwich placement or study abroad year |
n/a |
Applications open to international and EU students |
No |