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Vascular Ultrasound Independent work-based skills

Key information

Course Leader: Naomi Brown

Level: 7

Credits: 15

Mode of delivery: Taught

School: Health & Social Work

Available places: 40


  • 01/10/2024

Fees and Funding


The price quoted above is per 15 credits and relates to students assessed as UK/home self-funded for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU Overseas/Overseas. Fees status will normally stay with the student for the remainder of their course. Here you can find further details along with, costs and when your fees need to be paid. You may be able to obtain a Post Graduate student loan, for which you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just individual modules or a Post Graduate Diploma, further details can be found at Master’s Loan

Entry Requirements

You should be a qualified health care professional currently working in an appropriate area of practice.   

Course Overview

This module is designed for health care professionals particularly radiographers who wish to develop the necessary clinical and evaluative skills for the competent performance and accurate reporting of their specific chosen area of vascular ultrasound examinations. The module is taken in combination with Ultrasound Image Production & Optimisation and Principles of Ultrasound Reporting in order to achieve an ultrasound qualification. It may only be studied as a standalone module by qualified sonographers who have not previously studied Vascular ultrasound.

On completion of the module students will typically:

Be able to demonstrate a depth of knowledge and critical understanding of haemodynamics, anatomy, physiology and pathology of their specific chosen area of the vascular system.

Have a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable for ultrasound investigation of the normal and abnormal vascular systems in their specific chosen area.

Demonstrate critical awareness in synthesising clinical information and evaluative skills for the competent performance of ultrasound examinations their specific chosen area of vascular ultrasound structures.

Demonstrate a range of advanced communication and decision-making skills and engage confidently in academic and professional communication appropriate to their professional practice.

Demonstrate technical expertise in competently performing their specific chosen area of vascular ultrasound examinations with precision and effectiveness.


The module is facilitated by University staff and external lecturers. Delivery of the module incorporates blended learning which aims to combine practical, simulation and classroom-based learning.

Learning outcomes

This course aims to enable students to develop the necessary clinical and evaluative skills for the competent performance and accurate reporting of their specific chosen area of vascular ultrasound examinations.

This module forms part of a medical ultrasound programme which is accredited by Consortium for the Accreditation of Sonographic Education (CASE)


The assessment is a combination of one evaluation of patient pathways, a 1 hour in class test, completion of a portfolio and a practical skills assessment comprising a session of 3 patients. The practical skills assessment is undertaken in your own department and marked by university staff and your clinical supervisors.

A clinical placement in ultrasound is a requirement for the module.

Coursework 1 - 40% - 2000 word evaluation of a patient pathway (1)

Practical - 60% - 1 hour in class test

Practical - Pass/Fail

Coursework 1 and the Practical must be passed before the Practical Pass/Fail can be attempted

Practical Skills assessment - comprising  a sessions of 3 patients. The portfoliio is a compulsory gateway to the practical skills assessment.

All individual elements of assessment must be passed.




Ultrasound Form