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Radiotherapy Dosimetry and Planning

Key information

Course Leader: Naomi Brown

Level: 7

Credits: 15

School: Health & Social Work

Available places: 40


  • 22/01/2025

Fees and Funding


The price quoted above is per 15 credits and relates to students assessed as UK/home self-funded for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU Overseas/Overseas. Fees status will normally stay with the student for the remainder of their course. Here you can find further details along with, costs and when your fees need to be paid. You may be able to obtain a Post Graduate student loan, for which you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just individual modules or a Post Graduate Diploma, further details can be found at Master’s Loan

Entry Requirements

BSc in Radiotherapy based degree

Course Overview

This module aims to enhance your understanding of the principles of radiotherapy dosimetry and radiobiological factors affecting dose distribution. 

This module will be run through a range of weekly lectures. The lectures will provide you with the basic knowledge and understanding of radiotherapy planning and the principles and regulations which govern planning practices. You will also learn to appreciate how radiobiology principals affect the choices we make with regards to plan choice, dose fractionation and how we know if a plan is clinically acceptable. 


Course content includes: 

Review of imaging anatomy  

Evidence supporting current radiotherapy techniques  

Terms used in radiotherapy planning   

Principles of radiotherapy planning including those related to IMRT and adaptive planning techniques and other areas of Radiotherapy  

Factors that affect isodose distribution and beam application for a variety of common treatment sites   

Methods of evaluating radiotherapy plans   

Use of evidence-base to support plan evaluation and dose prescription   

Radiobiological concepts related to radiotherapy planning, such as cell survival curves, response to radiation, OER, LET, radiation effects, fractionation, 5R's of radiobiology and future clinical applications. 


Using an inquiry−based approach, students will gather a wide range of evidence and information in order to thoroughly explore the module topics. Through critical evaluation and analysis of the evidence base they will consolidate their knowledge and understanding of radiotherapy planning and dosimetry and the radiobiological concepts that inform dose prescription. Formative feedback and assessment embraces assessment activities so that students have the opportunity to develop the necessary skills for successful achievement.    

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understanding: 
Successful students will typically... 
1. Critically appraise the dosimetric principles and evidence underpinning  
radiotherapy planning theories and techniques. 

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes 
Successful students will typically... 
1. Make informed judgements on the appropriateness of images used in  
localisation and planning to evidence clinical treatment decisions. 
2. Apply effective critical evaluation on a range of radiotherapy plans and  
dose prescriptions, considering anatomy, radiobiological concepts and  
dosimetric principles presented with reference to the appropriate evidence- 


Typically a 3000-word critical appraisal of a of a treatment plan.

This course is facilitated by Ruth Rowse who guides you through your learner journey, using on-line activities and tasks to support your learning.