Health and Medical Education in the Workplace
Key information
Course Leader: Yasmin Khatib
Level: 7
Credits: 30
Mode of delivery: Face to Face on Campus
Available places: 50
- 08/10/2024
Fees and Funding
The price quoted above is per 30 credits and relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes Prices may differ for students that are assessed as Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award award e.g. MSc as module fees stay the same as they were in your year of entry to the programme. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us. To obtain a PG student loan, you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just an individual module.
Entry Requirements
Specific Entry Requirements
Job role/professional practice that includes medical/health education/clinical education.
Full time students should have had relevant and recent applicable work experience.
Course Overview
Students will develop their understanding of learning through examination of some of the major theories of learning and related concepts. They will then apply this analysis to their own teaching and learning and draw upon this understanding to analyse a learning event in the student’s workplace. This module will allow the student to develop their critical analysis of the practical planning, delivery and evaluation of learning.
Typically, the content of this module may include theories of adult learning, planning lessons, evaluating learning and teaching, teaching and presentation tools, debriefing and using differentiation. However, the rapidly emerging evidence underpinning adult education may mean the alteration of module content to reflect current trends
Includes the following:
• lesson planning and curriculum development
• Teaching tools & presentation skills
• Adult learning theories
• Clinical teaching
• Feedback & debriefing
• Research informed teaching
Using technology to enhance teaching
Module Assessment
The assessment for this module is 100% coursework. This will involve you planning a learning session, carrying out this session in your usual workplace (and completing a peer observation assessment) and then critically analysing the teaching session, using appropriate literature, in a written submission.