The application process for our Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree is designed to identify candidates with the qualifications, passion and qualities needed to succeed in a medical career.
Make sure you have checked the full entry requirements before you begin your application. You will need to meet both the academic and English language requirements for entry onto the MBBS degree.
1. General requirements
- Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age by the start of the course.
- This course will initially be available to international students only, with plans to open to home students soon after.
- The highest latest qualification should be taken within five academic years prior to the time of application.
- A-Level subjects: Achieve a minimum of 3 A-levels (AAA) to include chemistry and biology (or human biology) at grade A and a third subject at grade A, completed in one sitting across a maximum of two years, or equivalent. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider a wide range of subjects for their third A level, including arts and humanities subjects but excluding general studies, critical thinking and thinking skills and global perspectives.
- Scottish Advanced Highers: Applicants with Scottish Advanced Highers, will normally be expected to achieve, or have achieved AAB, to include chemistry and biology. Scottish Highers: Scottish Highers: AAAAB or above and including biology, chemistry and three other subjects.
- Cambridge Pre-U Diploma: D3D3D3 in biology, chemistry and one other subject.
- Access to Medicine Diploma: 39 credits at distinction and six credits at merit. All biology and chemistry credits must be at distinction.
- International Baccalaureate: Applicants should normally have, or be expected to achieve, a total score of 36 points with Higher Level 6 in chemistry or biology and Higher Level 5 in a second science (chemistry, biology, physics) or mathematics.
- Overseas qualifications equivalencies – Applicants should normally have, or be expected to achieve, a pattern of grades equivalent to AAA at A-Level, to include chemistry and biology, plus any third subject excluding general studies and critical thinking. Please refer to Section 3: Overseas equivalencies accepted for a list of country qualifications.
- Bachelor’s degree or above: Must have a minimum of a 2.1 honours degree in any discipline, or an MSc, MPhil or PhD.
- GCSE requirements: Have achieved a minimum of five subjects at GCSE Grade 6 or above (to include English, maths and double or triple science) or equivalent.
- English language criteria – IELTS 7.0 with 7.0 in all components. Please refer to Section 2: English language.
- Work experience: All applicants are required to demonstrate that you have conducted research and/or have actual or virtual work-based experience in a setting which has helped you explore the realities of working in a healthcare profession. You will be expected to discuss your experiences as part of your interview to illustrate that you have the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes for your career as a doctor.
- MMIs: We will require all shortlisted applicants to undertake Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) as part of the admissions process. These will run from November 2025 through to April 2026.
- UCAT : All applicants are required to take the UCAT test in the summer prior to submitting their application, i.e. in July - September. See the UCAT website for full details of the test, timescales and the location of test centres. While we include the UCAT score within our selection process, we do not have a standard cut off value. Applicants will be ranked by their UCAT score and a certain number will be invited to an Interview Day, provided you meet our main academic entry requirements.
- DBS/OH checks : In order to ensure that the University offers places on their programmes to suitable candidates, you must have Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance and an occupational health check. We will guide you through this process once you have received a conditional offer.
- Tuition fee deposit: will be made a condition of the offer and a £10,000 tuition fee deposit will be required prior to CAS (Certificate of Acceptance of studies) issuance for applicants needing a student visa to study in the UK.
Please note that the UCAT score of those applicants invited to interview is expected to vary year on year, and as such, it is not possible to give applicants an indication of the score that is required to attend an Interview Day. Applicants in financial need may apply for a UCAT bursary to cover the full test fee. Please check the UCAT website for details.
2. English language
English language conditions can be met via any of the four routes detailed below:
- English language test
- country exemption
- professional registration
- academic qualifications.
2.1. English language test
You can take a specific English language test to demonstrate your English proficiency. You will be required to demonstrate IELTS is 7.0, with 7.0 in all components.
Other tests are acceptable including:
- Test of English as a Foreign Language: TOEFL (iBT) and (iBT Paper)
- Cambridge Advanced English: CAE, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: CPE
- LanguageCert ESOL Including SELT, International ESOL, Online version
- Occupational English Test: OET (OET Paper/Computer) and (OET @ Home)
- ONCAMPUS Test of English (OCTOE)
- Pearson Test of English: PTE (Academic)
- Trinity Integrated Skills in English: Trinity ISE.
2.2. Country exemption
If you are from an English-speaking country, you may already meet our requirements.
If you are a national from a majority English-speaking country as specified by UKVI listed below, you do not need to demonstrate your English language proficiency:
Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Canada; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Ireland; Jamaica; Malta; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; United Kingdom; USA.
Please note: Standard checks must still be carried out to ensure you meet our GCSE English requirements.
2.3. Professional Registration
You may meet our English language requirements because of the work you do. You will be considered as having met our English language requirements if you are able to provide evidence of one of the follow professional registrations:
- current and full registration with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC)
- current and full registration with the General Dental Council (GDC)
- current and full registration with a licence to practise with the General Medical Council (GMC)
- current and full registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
2.4. Academic Qualifications
We accept several academic qualifications as demonstration of your English language proficiency. You will need to have studied English language as a subject.
2.4.1. UK qualifications:
- GSCE English Language, grade 5
- AS or A Level English Language, grade B
- International Baccalaureate
- SQA Scottish Higher/Advanced Higher English, grade B
- Undergraduate degree 2:2
- Postgraduate degree pass.
2.4.2. International qualifications (taken prior to degree study):
Please note: any qualification used to meet our English language requirements must be dated within five years of the start date of your chosen programme.
If your country or qualification is not listed below, you will be required to obtain another English language qualification listed on this page, such as IELTS.
- European Baccalaureate English – level 1 grade 6, level 2 grade 7, level 3 grade 7.5
- iGCSE English as a First Language, grade 5
- iGCSE English as a Second Language, grade 6
- International Baccalaureate English A - standard level, grade 5
List of country acceptable English language requirements:
Country | Qualification |
Austria | Austria Reifeprüfungszeugnis – Pass English with grade 2 (gut) in written and oral components. |
Belgium | Diploma van Secundair – Pass English at 80%. Certificate d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur – Pass English with 16 out of 20 / grote onderscheiding /avec grande distinction. |
Botswana | Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) School Certificate - Pass English Language with grade B. |
Brunei | Brunei O Level (taken with Cambridge International Exams (Specification 1120) – Pass English with grade B. |
Denmark | Bevis for Hojere Forberedelseseksamen or Bevis for Studentereksamen - Pass English with score of 10. |
Finland | Studentexamensbetyg or Ylioppilastutkintotodistus - Pass English with grade 5. |
France | Baccalaureate – Pass English LV1, with 14 out of 20. Baccalaureate - Pass OIB English with 12 out of 20. |
Germany | Abitur – Pass English as a main course with grade 13. Abitur – Pass English Language as a Leistungkurs with grade 2/6. |
Hong Kong | HKCEE – Pass English with Level 4. HKDSE – Pass English with Level 5. Hong Kong AS Level - Pass English with grade B. |
Iceland | Iceland Stúdentspróf (bóknámsbraut) – Pass English as a compulsory language with grade 8. |
India | HSC English / Standard XII: National Exam Boards CBSE/ ISC – Pass English with 70%. HSC English / Standard XII: State Exam Boards (excluding Haryana/ Uttar Pradesh/ Bihar/ Gujrat/ Punjab/ Uttarakhand) – Pass English with 80%. |
Ireland (Republic of) | Ireland Leaving Certificate (Higher or Ordinary) – Pass English with grade O4/H4. |
Kenya | KCSE - Pass English with grade B. |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires – Pass English with grade 45 (bien). |
Malaysia | SPM UCLES Syllabus in English – Pass with grade A. |
Mauritius | Mauritius O Level taken with Cambridge International Exams (Specification 1125/1126) – Pass English with grade B. |
Netherlands | Netherlands Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) – Pass English with grade 8 (goed). |
Nigeria | See West Africa below. |
Norway | Vitnemal – Pass English with grade 4 out of 6. |
Singapore | Level - Pass English Language (taken with Cambridge International Exams) with grade B. Singapore Cambridge A-Level (including SIPCAL/ Integrated Programme) – pass English Language with grade B. SIPCAL/ Integrated Programme – Pass General Paper with grade B. |
South Africa | South Africa NSC – Pass English Home Language with grade 5. South Africa NSC – Pass English First Additional Language with grade 7. |
Sweden | Slutbetyg – Pass English with 15/20. |
Switzerland | Switzerland Certificat de Maturité – Pass English with grade 5 (bien, gut, bene). Maturitätszeugnis – Pass English with grade 5 (bien, gut, bene). Attestato di Maturità – Pass English with grade 5 (bien, gut, bene). |
Tanzania | Tanzanian Certificate of Secondary Education - Pass English with grade B. |
Uganda | Ugandan Certificate of Education (UCE) - Pass English with grade 4. |
USA | High school diploma - Pass English with grade B. |
West Africa | WAEC / WASSCE / NECO – Pass English with grade C5. |
Zambia | Zambian General Certificate of Education – Pass English with grade 6/C. |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education - Pass English: C with Credit (5-6). |
International qualifications (equivalent to a UK degree)
If you have an academic qualification equivalent to a UK bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degree which was taught in one of the majority-English-speaking countries below (excludes Canada), you will meet our English language requirements. The degree must be completed no more than five years before the start date of your studies.
Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Ireland (Republic of); Jamaica; Malta; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; USA.
If you have an academic qualification equivalent to a UK bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree, which was taught and examined (in its entirety) in English from one of the countries below, you will meet our English language requirements. The degree must be completed no more than five years before the start date of your studies.
Canada; Ghana; Hong Kong; Netherlands; Nigeria; Singapore; South Africa.
To evidence this requirement, you will need:
- A statement of comparability from UK ENIC.
- An official confirmation from the institution where you completed your degree that the course was taught and examined in English.
3. Overseas equivalencies accepted
Please refer to the table below. Please note that where countries are not listed, applicants would usually need additional qualifications such as an acceptable foundation programme, A levels or the International Baccalaureate.
Country | Qualification |
Australia | At least 92 in the Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). Additionally, you must complete the relevant regional secondary school qualification, and chemistry and biology must be studied in Year 12. |
Austria | Overall average of 1 in the Reife und Diplomprfurng (Mit Ausgezeichnetem Erfolg Bestanden), with 1 in biology or chemistry and 1, 2, 2 in mathematics, biology, chemistry or physics. |
Barbados | Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). We accept six units with an overall grade of 1, including three double-unit courses with grade 1, to include two sciences (excluding applied mathematics). |
Belgium | We accept the following, with an overall score of at least 80% (16/20 or 8/10) and 80% in biology and chemistry: Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts. |
Brazil | Pass the first year of the Titulo (Título de Bacharel / Título de [subject area] / Título de Licenciado) with a GPA of 8/10. Subject requirements should be met by taking the Titulo in a relevant subject area or by achieving good grades in a range of relevant modules. |
Brunei | Brunei Cambridge A-Level at AAA (including biology and chemistry). |
Canada | Canadian High School Diploma with 87% or AAAAB in five Grade 12 courses, including biology and chemistry (or equivalent grade depending on territory). |
Croatia | Maturalna Svjedodzba (Matura Certificate) with 5/5 overall, including two sciences. |
Cyprus | Apolytirio Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) and two additional A-Levels at grades AA, including biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics. |
Czech Republic | Maturitni Zkoušce, with at least grade 1 (vyborny) overall, including grade 1 in two sciences. |
Denmark | Studentereksamen or Højere Forberedelsesaksamen, with 12,10,10 including two sciences. |
Finland | Finnish Matriculation Examination Certificate with two sciences at grades 7 and 6, plus a further two subjects at grade 6. |
France | Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général at grade 14 overall, including 14/15 in biology / earth sciences, physics, and chemistry (taken in Year 12 and 13). |
Germany | Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur/Fachhochschulreife with an overall score of 1.0-1.3, including 14 in chemistry or biology, plus two further subjects from mathematics, biology, chemistry or physics. |
Greece | Apolytirio Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with an overall score of 19, supplemented by two A-levels (or equivalent) in biology and chemistry at AA. |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with grade 4 in core maths, grade 5 in English, and three electives at grades 555 including biology and chemistry. Applicants with an Associate Degree (2 years) should have achieved GPA of 3.0/4.0. |
Hungary | A Pass in the Matura/Erettsegi with grade 5 in all subjects, to include higher biology and higher chemistry. |
Iceland | A pass in the Stúdentspróf with at least 10 overall, including 10 in biology and chemistry and also 8 in English and maths. |
India | |
Standard XII with the following overall pass rates depending on the recognised state board: Maharashtra State Board; CBSE; CISCE; Tamil Nadhu – 85% overall National Institute of Open Schooling; Karnataka; Kerala State Board; West Bengal; Telangana State Board; Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh – 90% overall. | |
Iran | Peeshdaneshgahe (Pre-University Certificate) with an overall score of 18/20 (with at least 18/20 in biology and chemistry). |
Israel | Bagrut with 8/10 or 80%, including grade 8 in six subjects. Subject requirements should be met with good grades in the relevant subjects. |
Italy | Diploma di Esame di Stato with an overall score of 90, including 9/10 in biology and chemistry, taken during the final three years of Liceo (upper secondary school). |
Luxembourg | Diploma de Fin Études Secondaires with a score of 48 overall, including 48 or above in chemistry or biology plus two of mathematics, physics, biology or chemistry. |
Malaysia | STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate) at grades AAA, including biology and chemistry. Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) Bio-based Stream, with an overall GPA of 3.75 out of 4.0, including 3.67 in biology and chemistry. |
Malta | Matriculation Certificate (MATSEC) with AA from two subjects at Advanced Level (to include biology or chemistry, plus two others from mathematics, physics, biology or chemistry). In addition, we require three subjects at Intermediate Level (to include one subject from biology, physics, chemistry or mathematics if not already taken at Advanced Level). |
Netherlands | Grade 7.8 overall, including 8/10 in biology and chemistry. |
New Zealand | National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3, endorsed overall with Excellence, including 20 Level 3 credits in each of biology and chemistry, with Excellent (E) in the majority of credits. |
Nigeria | A pass in the National Diploma or Higher National Diploma in a subject relevant to medicine and a minimum grade of distinction. Subject requirements should be met by achieving good grades in the relevant diploma modules, or by taking a degree in a relevant subject area, or by achieving good grades in a range of relevant modules. |
Norway | Vitnemal with an overall score of 4.5, with 5 in biology and chemistry. |
Pakistan | We do not accept Pakistan Intermediate / Higher Secondary Certificate. Applicants must be studying or have completed a Bachelor degree in a subject related to medicine as follows: Top tier 4-year degree (completed Year 1 with 70%) Lower tier 4-year degree (completed Year 1 with 75%) Top tier 2-year degree (completed with 70%) Lower tier 2-year degree (completed with 75%). Subject requirements should be met by taking a degree in a relevant subject area, or by achieving good grades in a range of relevant modules. |
Poland | Polish Matura at 85% in three extended levels, including biology and chemistry. |
Portugal | Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação at grade 18 overall, including 18/20 in biology and geology and physics and chemistry. |
Republic of Ireland | Irish Leaving Certificate at the following grades: H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2, including H1 in biology and chemistry. |
Romania | Diplomă de Bacalaureat at 9.0 overall, supplemented by biology and chemistry from one of the following: A level Biology and A level Chemistry at AA Diploma de Bacalaureat exam in biology and chemistry at 9.0 in named exam(s) IB HL Biology and Chemistry at 6,6 AP Biology and Chemistry at 5,5 A combination of two of the above-named exams may be accepted (e.g. A level Biology grade A and Diploma de Bacalaureat exam in Chemistry at 9.0). |
Serbia | Diploma o položenom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final Examination) Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education). |
Singapore | Singapore Cambridge A-Level (including SIPCAL/ Integrated Programme) at AAA, including biology and chemistry. |
Slovakia | Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške with grade 1 in both chemistry and biology, and grade 2 in either mathematics or physics. |
Slovenia | Maturitetno Spricevalo at grade 5 (Excellent) in each subject, and including both chemistry and biology. |
South Africa | National Senior Certificate (NSC) at grades 77766 (including life sciences and physical sciences at grade 7, maths lit not acceptable). |
South Korea | We accept completion of Year 1 of a Bachelor degree in a subject related to medicine. Scores for Year 1 must be at least: GPA 3.2/4, 3.3/4.3, 3.4/4.5, or 85%. |
Spain | Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato at grade 8.5 overall, including biology and chemistry with 9/10 (studied in Year 2). |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced level) with AAA including biology and chemistry, plus distinction in O Level Mathematics. |
Sweden | Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen with total 2500 credits completed, and 18 overall with A in biology and chemistry. |
Switzerland | We accept the following Swiss Matura exams at grade 5.0 overall, including 5 in biology and chemistry: Certificat de Maturité / Certificat de Maturité Cantonal reconnu par la Confédération (for French speaking) Maturitätsausweis / Eidgenössisch anerkanntes kantonales Maturitätszeugnis (for German speaking) Attestato di Maturità / Attestato di Maturità Cantonale riconosciuto dalla Confederazione (for Italian speaking). Please note: The certificate must be federally recognised; certificates only recognised by the canton are not accepted. |
Tanzania | Tanzanian Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) at AAA, including biology and chemistry. |
USA | US High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and: A combination of three AP examinations in different subjects with scores of 5,5,5 including biology and chemistry. We also accept a combination of three SAT subject examinations in different subjects at scores of 700 plus, including biology and chemistry (if taken prior to 2021) or three IB HL classes at 6,6,6 including biology and chemistry. |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) GCE A Level at AAA, including biology and chemistry. |