Work Based Learning for Contemporary Nursing
Key information
Course Leader: Nathalie PheasantNathalie Pheasant and Aileen Wilson
Level: 7
Credits: 30
Mode of delivery: Taught
Learner Hours: Scheduled Hours - 50, Independent Hours - 250
Available places: 30
- 22/01/2025
Fees and Funding
The price quoted above is per 30 credits in this academic year. This price relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU/Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us.
Entry Requirements
Students must be employed in a health care setting.
Course Overview
This module is aimed at contemporary nurses who wish to develop their leadership skills and role modelling aspect of their role by designing, implementing and evaluating a clinical practice change to improve care for or the experience of clients, carers or those supporting them.
Students will develop a specific aspect of healthcare, e.g. development or a practice improvement initiative, practitioner-led clinics, health promotion or patient education, addressing a response need to a patient complaint or poor audit results.
It is designed to develop skills in critically evaluating current care provision, reviewing the evidence which supports the initiative and developing a plan for improving care to the satisfaction of the intended clients. Students will further develop their skills in project management, decision-making, communication, negotiating, and team working. They will demonstrate through their project a systematic understanding of their pivotal role in role modelling dynamic and responsive leadership in the Post Francis Inquiry era.
Using a problem-solving approach to their work, students will determine a practice initiative that will enhance care for clients or the families they care for in their area of work. Students will agree on meeting targets to disseminate their findings to peers. Using a range of e-learning resources, students will discuss strategies for extending their learning and developing autonomy to support personal learning with each other. This will be considered in terms of the context of their role within an organisation.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
Successful students will typically:
Critically review the evidence and strategic policies that determine the need for a change in current practice.
Select and justify proposed changes in the context of their workplace.
Demonstrates a critical, ethical self-awareness in relation to their practice and role modelling.
Demonstrate a deep understanding of contemporary theory relevant to nursing and apply it in a practice-based project.
Intellectual, Practical and Transferable Skills:
Successful students will typically:
Critically evaluate alternative solutions to enhance care delivery.
Lead the planning and project management of a work-related initiative to improve care or practice.
Evidence of their team working abilities, communication and negotiation skills with a range of staff members.
Critically evaluate the project’s impact on the workplace.
Critically reflect upon personal development arising from this project and formulate a personal development plan.
Reflective assignment (2000 word)- 50%