
Get in touch

Business Incubation

EU European Regional Development Fund logo

We're here to help entrepreneurs and start-ups innovate and grow

At Herts, we power early-stage businesses with flexible and equipped working spaces, access to our experts and a supportive peer network of like-minded professionals. We've supported over 130 businesses since the incubator was established in 2018 and we're ready to support your business today.

How will my business benefit?

Who can join?

To join the business incubator, you need to meet the below criteria:

  • Have a registered business (company registration number is a pre-requisite) or be registered as a sole trader with HMRC
  • Have a scalable business proposition which you are a committed to driving forwards
  • Commit to participating in fortnightly meet-ups (face to face and virtual)

The Enterprise Hub

The designated business incubator co-working space has recently moved into the brand new Enterprise Hub on de Havilland campus, just a 20 minute train journey from London. Work in a modern, fully equipped space, with the flexibility to come and go as you please. Meeting rooms are available for members to use for both internal and client meetings, whilst Café Ambition welcomes you with a fully stocked bar and a range of delicious menu options.

Innovative Face Mask Breaks Inclusivity Barriers

Created by Dean Ezekiel, ‘Helloface’ is an innovative transparent face mask that is breaking inclusivity barriers....

Suzero’s war on sugar; healthy snack bar entrepreneurs push for accelerated growth in 2021

Business Incubator members Ollie and Sam, continue waging a war against sugar, with low sugar snack bars, Suzero....

Virtual reality business, Virtronix, continues to grow with the support of the University's Business Incubator

Business Incubator member, Richard Jackson, on how the University has helped grow his company Virtronix, through collaborative support and guidance....

Business Incubator member, Caroline Syson, prepares for January launch of Pocket PA

Caroline Syson has been a member of the University of Hertfordshire's Business Incubator since July 2018, and is due to launch her simple accountancy-based app for entrepreneurs, Pocket PA, this...