Integrated Care System Partnership Programme

The University of Hertfordshire, the Integrated Care Board (NHS), Hertfordshire County Council, Essex County Council,  and the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Alliance are working together to create a lasting partnership that will support and enable Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE) to be a great place to live, learn, work, and stay.

The aim of the University of Hertfordshire Integrated Care System (UHICS) Partnership is to use the resources of our institution, such as academic and professional expertise, research, and access to facilities such as data labs, to support the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System (HWEICS) to deliver on some of its challenging priorities, taking new impactful approaches maximising research, academic expertise, and knowledge exchange.

There are three broad strands to the programme:

  • Research and Innovation
  • Skills and Workforce
  • Digital and Technology

The work undertaken within these strands are strategically aligned to HWEICS and have a positive, long-term impact to ensure outputs are sustainable and achieve legacy.

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The partnership sits within the Health and Care Cluster as part of the University Enterprise Zone and Strategy. The Health and Care Cluster offers a central point for ICS partners to collaborate across the breadth of expertise and navigate the internal networks of the University. This will enable maximise impact, ensuring the partnership delivers targeted interventions in innovative and novel ways that address, for example, workforce needs, community priorities, and inequalities across HWE.

The UHICS Partnership managed by a collaborative Strategic Advisory Group made up of representatives from the:

  • Integrated Care Board
  • Hertfordshire County Council
  • VCFSE alliance
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • Essex County Council

The UH ICS Strategic Advisory Group promotes multi-organisational collaboration to drive strategic system improvements, address complex challenges, and maximise opportunities across the healthcare ecosystem. The group focuses on providing strategic guidance, sharing expertise, and ensuring the success of collaborative initiatives that enhance system-wide outcomes.

Key Objectives:

  • Strengthen system credibility and innovation.
  • Address complex challenges through collective action.
  • Build capacity and develop talent across organisations.
  • Leverage knowledge exchange and research.
  • Facilitate shared funding and resource allocation.

For more information about the programme and how to get involved, please complete the form below:

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