Unable to attend your ceremony?

If you are unable to attend the ceremony you have been invited to please email us to let us know and we will remove you from our mailing list.

Cancelled registration

If you have registered for a Ceremony but are unable to attend, please contact us immediately to cancel your registration.

If you cancel prior to the registration deadline and have purchased guest tickets we will be able to process a refund. If you cancel after the deadline, we will not be able to offer a refund.

Defer your invitation

If it is your first invitation to a ceremony and you meet our eligibility criteria, you can defer your invitation once to the next ceremony session. You may defer once only. To do so you must email the Awards Office on awards@herts.ac.uk before the deferral deadline.

Successful submission will result in a confirmation email sent to the email address provided. If you do not receive this confirmation email, your deferral request has not been submitted and you will not be able to attend a future ceremony.

Please note, we unfortunately cannot accept a deferral request if you have an outstanding academic debt against the university.