17 December 2019

Hertford Quaker Meeting House

'Built in 1670, Hertford is the earliest purpose-built Quaker meeting house still standing, and is still in Quaker use. There have been some alterations to the fabric over the last 350 years but the building retains much of its original character, both externally and internally.' Hertford Quakers

Update from successful Match Funding applicant Teresa Parker

'The aim of this project is to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the building of Hertford Quaker Meeting House. The project is going well.  We are using Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies to do much of our research. It has been wonderful to dive into the mass of material and explore the lives and concerns of Hertfordshire Quakers across the generations.

Using online design software on CANVA.com we are creating 6 pull up banners on the subjects of: Hertford Quaker meeting house, peace, equality, simplicity, truthfulness and climate justice.

We are finding many inspiring examples of how Quakers in our area were involved in early environmentalism, the anti-slavery movement, relief in wartime and many other causes as they sought to express their sense that there is good in everyone.

We will link the display, which will be on show at HALS during February 2020, to a talk at the end of the month and a workshop in March 2020 as part of a wider calendar of events in Hertford which are open to all throughout the year.'

Teresa Parker

Crime, Community and Justice

Quaker Peace & Social Witness