Join the Oral History Team Hiroshima project
Hiroshima 80 Anniversary: August 6th 2025
After the Second World War hundreds of young Japanese contributed their stories of the day the atom bomb was dropped to a remarkable memory bank.
A selection of these memories is contained in the book ‘Children of Hiroshima’.
“I saw a bright swirling flash”
“I thought a big ball of fire had fallen”
“I shudder whenever I think of the day”
Let’s use this material to recreate and reflect upon the narrative
of that terrible day using or combining video, images, drama,
recitation, poetry, music etc.
Work on your own or form a team.
Decide on your audience, then let loose your creativity.
Submissions by June 15th 2025.
A selection of entries to be showcased at an anniversary event.
Further information: Andrew Green, Senior Research Fellow, email: