Life stages
Life stages create changing demands and roles over time. The developmental transitions and related service responses, from infancy to childhood to adolescence, adulthood, middle age and old age are associated with personal and family adaptations, shifting responsibilities and challenges.
PCPLD Network presentation on Supporting People with Learning Disabilities in Bereavement by Baroness Sheila Hollins, together with Professor Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, Gemma Allen and Dr Jed Jerwood.
My Experience of transition from being a Teenager to becoming an Adult
The writer describes the changes in his life and different attitudes towards him.
Ageing And Its Consequences For People With Down's Syndrome
Ageing and the problems of old age are particularly relevant to people with Down's syndrome, as some of these age-related problems develop earlier in life than would normally be the case.
Bereavement In The Lives Of People With Intellectual Disabilities
When someone with an intellectual disability loses a parent through death, this is not just the loss of someone they loved, but also the loss of someone who is likely to be the most familiar with their needs, their likes and dislikes, and with whom they shared a trusting relationship.
People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Elderly Carers
Nowadays, people with intellectual disabilities live much longer than they did in the past, with the result that there is also an expanding population of elderly parents who are continuing to care for a son or daughter well into old age.
People with Down's Syndrome At All Ages: Some Tips for Family Physicians
General practitioners will be called upon to provide medical care to people who have Down's syndrome through their lives and in some cases unfamiliarity with the syndrome may compromise the quality of that care.
When My Dad Died: A Relative's Perspective
An article by a son telling the story of when his father was dying and when he died.
Commentary On When My Dad Died: A Relative's Perspective
Commentary on Richard West's article, "When My Dad Died: A Relative's Perspective"
Transition For Children With Intellectual Disabilities
This article aims to provide an overview of transition for people with intellectual disabilities as they move from children's to adult services and concludes with a brief account of how transition services may need to develop in the future.
Living with learning difficulties: Emma’s story
This paper presents Emma’s story: her experience of living with learning difficulties. The emerging themes of loss, blame and anger are discussed.
Working reflexively in learning disabilities: what Emma taught us
The theme of powerlessness is relevant to learning disability because learning disability happens to people who do not choose and do not want to be learning disabled. Additionally, although there are many ways in which professionals can make the experience of living with a learning disability easier, we are powerless to cure learning disability, or answer the question asked by one of our clients (Emma) ‘why me? (and not you)’.