Ready to travel?

Pay your fees

Great news! You're now ready to travel to the University of Hertfordshire! Here's some things you need to do to keep us updated about your journey.

Complete the arrival form

Once you have confirmed your travel details, please complete our Overseas Students Arrival Form so we know when you will be arriving. You must also tell your accommodation provider the date you will be arriving so they can ensure your room and key are ready.

Book your free airport collection (optional)

We are delighted to offer free airport collection from Heathrow to campus on arrivals weekend! Our coaches will be on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 January 2024, at 11.00, 15.00 and 19.00 each day. Places are limited so book your seat as soon as possible.

When you have secured your seat, you will receive guidance via email regarding the collection location a few weeks before your arrival.

Please ensure you read through the luggage limitations mentioned on the booking form and are happy to proceed before selecting a space.

Next steps

Please continue to the 'Once you arrive' section.

Once you arrive