Welcome to OREGIN
Providing a pre-breeding pipeline, to integrate sustainability traits into Oilseed Rape cultivars.
The Oilseed Rape Genetic Improvement Network
(OREGIN) has been successful in achieving initial objectives of providing a
focus for the UK Oilseed Rape genetic improvement R&D and stakeholder
communities, and a mechanism for prioritising research requirements.
The principal activities of the OREGIN project are the generation, gathering, collation and dissemination of information and genetic resources for the benefit of the stakeholders. Ongoing discussions amongst the R&D and breeder communities have identified the highest priority requirements in the context of Defra strategic objectives. It is recognised that other trait areas such as pest resistance may be of increasing commercial priority and affect the long-term sustainability of the crop.
The components of the OREGIN pre-breeding platform will also provide a foundation for and contribute significantly to other projects of relevance to the overall objectives of achieving improvements in sustainability through crop genetic improvement.