Centre for research in professional and work-related learning

Research theme/s: Global economy theme icon Health and wellbeing theme icon

We apply the values and rigour of scholarship and research to examine practice and the concerns of practitioners, policy-makers and other stakeholders in areas, including:

In partnership with regional, national and international communities of practitioners, policy-makers and researchers, we have developed a collaborative and dynamic research culture.

We are experienced in finding innovative ways of communicating research to a wide audience.

Funded research

Our funded research and evaluation projects, include:

What can we do for you?

In order to produce work which is independent, objective, of the highest quality and builds your capacity, we can:

Our key audiences are managers, practitioners, policy-makers and members of the professional and academic community.


Funders of our work, include:

Get in touch

Find out more about Education research at the University of Hertfordshire.