Self-management in long-term conditions

Facilitation of Self Management in a Haemodialysis Unit: An Evaluation


  • Does a nurse facilitator, dedicated to educating and supporting hemodialysis patients about managing their kidney disease, enable more adaptive styles of self-management in those patients, as perceived by the patients and staff involved in their care?
  • Does the introduction of the nurse facilitator objectively improve the degree to which patients stick to their recommended treatment, as measured by their weight gain between dialysis sessions, and other clinical markers?
  • Does the introduction of the nurse facilitator have any impact on patients' mental wellbeing?
  • According to patients and the staff involved in their care, which factors make the work undertaken as part of the role easy to implement? Which make it difficult?

Funder NIHR Research for Patient Benefit

Timescale 2011-2014

Staff UH – CRIPACC – Dr Patricia Wilson and Dr Maxine Offredy UH – CliCiR – Dr David Wellsted, Jon Reston North and East Hertfordshire NHS Trust – Professor Ken Farrington (CI), Maria Da Silva-Gane, Rebecca Bieraugel