Young People's Advisory Group

We are a young people’s research advisory group for children and young people aged 10-18 who live in Hertfordshire. We meet around every six weeks in-person and online. We are part of the national GenerationR YPAG network and eYPAGnet, a European network of young people's health research advisory groups.
Listen to our podcast about young people's involvement in research!
What do we do?
In our meetings researchers from the university and other organisations come to talk to the group about their research ideas and projects. We learn about and work with researchers on topics such as:
- Children and young people’s health both physical and mental
- Family lives
- The communities we live in
- Food and sustainability
We advise researchers on how to make their projects more accessible to children and young people and provide our opinions on certain themes or questions researchers are exploring in their work. We also:
- Learn about how research is done
- Share ideas about what we think should be researched in the future
- Get involved in the development of research bids or designs
- Write blog posts and publications and present at conferences
- Co-produce creative projects reflecting on research
- Have fun!
How can researchers work with us?
The YPAG can be involved in a range of projects and at any stage of the research process and can ensure that your work is accessible to and inclusive of children and young people.
Check out GenerationR YPAG network for more information and news about the group, and blog posts from group members about our meetings.
Contact us at for more information. We’re also on Twitter/X and Instagram @HertsYPAG.