Hertfordshire Sports Village opens clinic to support long COVID sufferers

While most people recover from COVID-19 after a few days or weeks, figures from the Office of National Statistics show one in five people who have tested positive will continue to experience symptoms after five weeks. This is often referred to as ‘long COVID’ and it can be debilitating for those suffering with it.

The symptoms of long COVID can vary greatly and can last for five months or more. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, problems with memory and concentration and difficulty sleeping.

Many sufferers can’t walk short distances or do any light exercise, and it can affect their mental health and wellbeing as well as their health and fitness.

The Long Covid rehabilitation clinic at the University’s Hertfordshire Sports Village provides one-to-one support, both in person and online, to help clients achieve their health and fitness goals. The specially trained clinic team assess each client’s health and fitness at an initial appointment to understand how fit they were before they had COVID-19 and to understand what their fitness and health goals are. The team then create a plan of action to help sufferers progress and achieve their goals, whether its to walk short distances again or to be able to participate in strenuous exercise activities.

Find out more about the clinic at Hertfordshire Sports Clinic.

Image of athlete being tested while training