With this project, we developed novel method to analyse spatial configurations and qualities of existing care homes in the UK with the aim of helping care home managers and those involved in maintaining and regulating health settings to improve building standards. We gathered and combined data from design criteria of therapeutic environments, net-zero strategies and the feedback of care homes users. We combined all these factors into intervention criteria (or actions) to support managers to identify how to improve their buildings. With AISLA, care home managers are able to assess existing care homes and visualise possible options for retrofitting based on net-zero strategies, improving residents’ experience, facilitating staff’s daily job and offering significant savings to managers, while improving both energy consumption of the building and reducing carbon footprint.

Project Team

Silvio Carta (PI) , Tommaso Turchi, Foteini Papadopoulou

You can also find us on our app.

Supporting Partners

Healthwatch Hertfordshire

Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group


Carta, S., St Loe, S., Turchi, T. and Simon, J., 2020. Self-organising floor plans in care homes. Sustainability, 12(11), p.4393.

Carta, S., 2021. Self-Organizing Floor Plans. Harvard Data Science Review HDSR

Carta, S., 2020. Algorithms are designing better buildings. The Conversation.


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This project has been funded by the UH QR-SPF