Oral History Archive
Welcome to the University of Hertfordshire Oral History Digital Archive
The University of Hertfordshire’s award-winning Oral History Team believes that ‘Memories Matter’. Every year, students, staff and members of the local community are professionally trained in the arts of interviewing, going on to take part in memory-gathering projects.

The original files are stored in the University archive. This web site gives free public access to those recordings that the interviewees have agreed to make freely available. The archive was constructed with the support of an award from the University of Hertfordshire Charitable Trust to commemorate the University’s 60th anniversary in 2012.
The projects and oral history recordings are listed at the end of the page. Our newest projects are Virus Diaries and Weathering the Storm, recording the experiences of under-represented individuals during the 2020-21 Covid pandemic, and Coronation Choristers, recording the memories of choristers who sang at the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, in the Coronation Year of 2023.