Writing Visual Culture

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Writing Visual Culture

An international peer-reviewed journal for research in visual culture published by the School of Creative Arts at the University of Hertfordshire.

ISSN: 2049-7180

WVC is the journal of the TVAD Research Group at the University of Hertfordshire, investigating relationships between text, narrative and image.

WVC publishes original, open access scholarship on all aspects of visual culture, spanning art, design and media. Individual volumes are guest edited as indicated.

WVC Volumes 5-9 have been re-designed to be downloaded complete as a single PDF with interactivity between contents, abstracts and articles for ease of navigation.
Volumes 1-4 remain in the original format of single article PDFs to be downloaded.

Volumes 9 onwards are edited collections of peer-reviewed papers from the TVAD international symposium

2020/21 'What the World Needs Now'

2019 'Artists and the Philosophers We Love'


Edited by Alana Jelinek

Edited by Alana Jelinek

Series editor for Vols 2-8:  Prof Grace Lees-Maffei

Edited by Grace Lees-Maffei

Edited by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey

Edited by Daniel Marques Sampaio and Michael Heilgemeir

Edited by Pat Simpson

Edited by Grace Lees-Maffei

Edited by Kristina Neidderer

Edited by Grace Lees-Maffei

Edited by Michael Biggs and Brian Holder (as Working Papers on Design)


The journal applies a system of double-blind peer review to both abstract and full paper selection prior to publication.

Information for authors

Information for reviewers