Nia is described as an outstanding teacher and educator. She has made, and continues to make, a rich contribution to the educational experience of our students. Her commitment to cross-faculty work and the creation of a project involving students and staff has been one of the many successful and unique ideas she had introduced.
In this innovative, collaborative project students were employed as researchers. Under Nia's guidance they conducted primary research on issues related to learning and teaching and feedback. They then worked with staff to resolve them. The project was described as “a model of how staff and students can work together within higher education, simultaneously breaking down barriers to learning while giving students the opportunity to develop significant research, life and employability skills.
A second year student was quoted as saying: "Nia made it easy for us to work together. She is energetic, kind and friendly. She broke down the barrier from the very beginning - that was the main thing that allowed us all to work together."