Online library

We have extensive digital and printed library collections at Herts, plus plenty of support and services to help you find resources.

Our library and information management specialists work closely with academic colleagues to provide students with a wide range of relevant digital and print resources and to create specific reading lists for courses.

Search the library collection

The University library system is called Library Search.

  • it's quick, easy, and simple to use
  • you can search the library catalogue, other relevant electronic resources, and library databases - all at the same time
  • finds books, e-books, journal articles, journals, reports, and exam papers in just one search
  • can be used on any device, anywhere, and anytime
  • allows you to reserve books.

Your personal Library Account gives information about the books you've borrowed and when you need to bring them back.

All books are automatically renewed every two weeks for up to 20 weeks unless requested by another user (items borrowed by SCONUL users are automatically renewed for a maximum of two times).

Find out more about book borrowing for Herts students and staff

Do I need to buy any books for my course?

  • only if you’ve received specific instructions to do so
  • new and returning students may receive early access to reading for your course, but in most cases, you’ll receive access to reading lists after you’ve registered. This will tell you what you need to purchase and what we will provide access to and in what format.

Get help and support when you need it

Library SkillUP - an online module available to all Herts students

  • Helping Herts students find, use and reference information for academic success
  • Online chat from 10.00 to 16.00 weekdays to help with questions you might have

AskHerts - Your questions answered

  • Covering a wide range of topics, information, and guidance.
  • Available from your web browser or the Herts Mobile app

For further help contact the Library and Computing Services Helpdesk

Accessing other libraries and resources

Herts is part of the Inter-Library Loans scheme which enables you to request specific additional books and journal articles that we may not have at Herts. Find out more on AskHerts.

We are also a member of the SCONUL Access scheme which enables staff and students to visit, consult print books and journals, and sometimes borrow material from other higher education libraries in the UK and Ireland.

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Returning books by post