Getting the most out of your visit
Open days are a great way to experience what life could be like at Herts. You'll tour our campus, accommodation and facilities and learn more about your course through subject taster and practical sessions. You'll discover the wide range of support services available and meet staff and current students to hear first hand why we're the place to be.
Plan your day
We recommend planning your day in advance so that you can get the most out of your experience on campus. A week before the event, we'll email you a programme of the day so you can familiarise yourself with session timings, campus layout and locations to ensure you have time to fit everything in!
Our current students were in your shoes not long ago. Read some tips and experiences on how to make the best out of your day from one of our student blogs.
Have your questions prepared
We are more than happy to answer any questions that you have and would advise you to prepare some beforehand. We have listed some typical topics below:
- Your chosen subject - How will you be taught and what will you learn about? What assessment methods are used? Will there be opportunities for work placements or study abroad? You might also want to ask about careers that previous graduates have gone in to
- Your application – If you are yet to apply, you may have specific questions around entry requirements or what you should include in your personal statement. If you have already applied, you might want to ask about interviews or portfolios and what your next steps are
- Facilities and transport - Ask about campus facilities, the surrounding area and what the transport links are like.
- Careers - Ask about placements, alumni, and your employability upon graduation
- Student support - Find out about the societies you can get involved with, the student support that is offered and chat to our Student Services Team
- Finances - Have a chat with the Student Finance Team about fees, loans, scholarships and bursaries that you may be eligible for, and find out the timeline of when to apply for finance
- Accommodation - Ask about the different room options, what is included and how to apply
- Current students - Talk to current students, ask about their experiences and any advice they would give about being a student at Herts.