AMGEN Biotech Experience

Biotechnology provides the tools and techniques for modern pharmaceutical research and drug development. Students following the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) programme explore the steps involved in creating biotechnology therapies. The programme is designed to inspire interest and develop skills in biotechnology. It provides professional learning opportunities and resources to support teachers, technicians and students in the use of ABE practical kit, resources and curriculum. It includes, free to schools:

  • CPD for school and college teachers and science technicians
  • loan of research-grade lab equipment so that students can explore methods that scientists use to create biotechnology medicines
  • detailed teacher and student guides
  • hands-on molecular biology student activities matched with key stage 4 and post-16 specifications including GCSE, A level, T level and BTec
  • practical activities suitable for key stage 3 students
  • teaching approaches that can help students to understand how biotechnology impacts on people's lives.

How  does the ABE programme work and how can your school participate?

The ABE programme is international. Each year more than 90,000 students participate. The University of Hertfordshire coordinates the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) UK programme. The UK hubs for professional development and kit loan are located in Cambridge, Hatfield, Hull, Norwich and Kent.

This fully-funded initiative is designed to inspire curiosity and enhance expertise in biotechnology for students aged 14-18. By participating, your school will benefit from free equipment loans and free training. Research shows that students participating in the ABE programme demonstrate increased interest, confidence, and performance in science and biotechnology.

Every year, we deliver training (CPD) to teachers and technicians of participating schools at our hubs. To loan the kit. the participating teacher and technician attend course 1 which is two days long.  Teachers attend the first day and technicians attend both day 1 and 2.  Course 2 is an extension course for those who have already attended course 1 and provides instruction on performing extra labs at your school. The courses usually run at the end of the summer term but we sometimes run extra sessions at other times of year depending on demand. The CPD dates and booking links are published within the Find out about ABE CPD section on this webpage.

To contact us about participating in the programme, please complete this registration of interest form.

Keep up to date about the ABE programme through our regular newsletter or to access more information about the programme, access this ABE factsheet.

Find out what the ABE programme offers for teaching molecular biology and biotechnology, including free kit loans to participating schools.

The Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) provides free to schools and colleges: CPD for biology teachers and technicians; loan of research grade lab equipment so that students can carry out practical biotechnology activities; and teaching and learning resources. It is relevant to A level, T level and key stage 4, and is used in some schools with key stage 3 students to introduce molecular biology and practical techniques.

Explore our resources

Log in to view our AMGEN Biotech Experience Resources. Details are given to attendees on training courses.

View our AMGEN resources

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Email Centre for STEM Education