
Debating teaches you the art of researching, constructing and presenting an argument.

It’s an excellent way to build your confidence and practise breaking down complex information into short, compelling, clearly structured cases. This popular course gives you the opportunity to develop valuable transferable skills as well as add to your legal strengths.

What does the course involve?

Our robust, sought-after debating course is designed to tap into your passions and give you the skills you need to argue with clarity and depth. We’ve given traditional debating an overhaul and added our own distinct flavour, which sees you debating a diverse mix of topics from across the legal, political and social spheres. In fact, there are very few topics we won’t consider, and that’s what makes this programme so interesting, enjoyable and exciting. Each session, four teams are given 15 minutes each to present on a given topic. Recent themes have included corporal punishment, police body cameras, terrorism, corporate crime, offenders and punishment. Along with your team, you’ll have a week to prepare and research your position before participating in a lively, engaging debate.

How does it build on my degree studies?

Debating drives you to intelligently question the things you believe to be true or false, researching subjects in detail and creating a powerful, persuasive, well-evidenced argument. It’s excellent practice for structuring essays and exam answers, as well as a valuable skill you’ll be able to use throughout your career, legal or otherwise.

What new skills will it give me?

This course will boost your organisational, analytical and presentation skills, as well as giving you an opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking and commitment to a position. You’ll develop your emotional maturity and reasoning skills, as well as learning to communicate more effectively.

How can it help me open new doors?

The skills you’ll learn on this course will help you in every aspect of your career, including securing that all-important first graduate job. The ability to answer questions thoughtfully and persuasively is a real asset at interviews, especially if you’re asked to give a presentation. If you choose, you can take part in both internal and external debating competitions alongside your studies, even representing the School and University at a national level. These experiences will increase your confidence, reputation and network of legal peers.

students raise their hand in mock court room