Book a Streetlaw presentation for your school or community group
How it works
We deliver a range of free and interactive presentations around Hertfordshire.
Streetlaw is a legal education project aimed at improving access to justice by demystifying areas of law that affect the wider community. Streetlaw students work in teams to prepare and deliver interactive presentations to school children and community groups about their legal rights and responsibilities.
Streetlaw presentations can take place in a number of settings including primary and secondary schools, prisons, homeless shelters and charities who help victims of domestic violence. The topics can vary enormously and can include police powers, knife crime and family law issues. Our Streetlaw students work closely with schools and community groups to prepare presentations tailored to their audience.
Since Hertfordshire Law School launched the Streetlaw project, students have delivered workshops at 4 libraries, 14 schools / colleges and at the Divorce Fair held in London.
We are currently developing interactive synchronous and asynchronous webinars for schools in order to keep the project going during the COVID-19 crisis.
We encourage our audience members to participate and think critically, through activities such as role plays, group discussion and quizzes. The format allows for audience members to develop their own opinions in a respectful and controlled environment.
The sessions are delivered by trained University of Hertfordshire students, under the supervision of qualified lawyers from Hertfordshire Law Clinic.
Book a presentation
Please email if you would like to book a presentation for your school or community group.