Expertise in Aeronautics and Space engineering
Follow @UHBusinessSubject group leader: Eur Ing Ray Wilkinson
Group expertise
Aerospace Engineering offers commercial expertise in disciplines such as:
- aerodynamics.
- aeroelasticity.
- aerospace materials.
- aircraft design and systems.
- airframe structures.
- CFD.
- control systems.
- Data Bus.
- embedded systems and avionics.
- flight mechanics.
- fluid systems.
- industry standard CFD software and modelling expertise.
- non-linear dynamics.
- numerical methods.
- propulsion systems.
- rocketry and fuel cell technology.
- UAV expertise.
- laboratory and computing facilities for prototype testing or development
- various wind tunnels for testing model components, devices or prototypes
- high Performance Computing resources for CFD analysis
- flight Simulators
- UAV Laboratory
If your organisation require one-off engineering consultancy assistance with specific problems then get in touch. Our academic staff, many of whom have experience of working in the aerospace industry sector, are able to carry out design, development and analysis to meet customer needs.